"Martin won't accept our offer and the bank won't give us any more money," Jeff explained. "So we may not be able to buy out your contract after all. Not yet."

"What?" Adam felt sick. He'd been counting on getting away from Martin forever.

"We can't wait," Brent had just walked in but he'd obviously heard enough of the conversation to know what they were talking about. "Tyler and I actually talked about buying the band back before you told us you wanted to do it. What if we partner with you?"

"You were going to let us do it instead?" Monroe's anger disappeared. "Aw, Brent, that means so much."

"We trust you and we needed you to run the business anyway, we have no idea what we're doing," Brent shrugged. "How much do you need?"

"Another 15," Jeff said. "Because we want all the rights to everything you've already done too, so Martin won't make another dime off you."

"Done," Brent nodded. "I'd do it myself even, but I'm happy to split that 5 ways so the band can all be equal."

"Adam, can you come up with 3 million?" Jeff looked right at him.

"Um, I'll call Ivan," Adam wanted to throw up but he had no choice. It was either have Ivan find him the money or admit to the rest of the band exactly how much debt he had.

Fortunately, Ivan worked it all out. He didn't seem happy about it, but he found Adam enough money and before they finished recording their album later that month, the contract was done. The band was completely free from Martin and all his stupid rules.

"So does this mean I can finally say whatever I want on my own fucking accounts?" Tyler laughed when they all went out for dinner to celebrate.

"Yeah, whatever you want," Monroe promised. "I mean, we trust you not to say stupid shit, but do your thing."

"Really? There are actually no rules anymore?" Brent looked skeptical.

"No rules. In fact, we were thinking you all could have a little fun for a while. Get as crazy as you want," Jeff nodded. "Maybe it's too late but if you want to have a college-style spring break phase, we're totally fine with that. Because then you can stop and everyone will see you as adults for getting over it."

"I am 610% here for that," Jimmy decided. "Where are my strippers? I am doing body shots until I can't breathe anymore."

"Just don't hurt yourselves," Monroe cringed. "Or get arrested. Please."

"Okay, let's talk about the next single and music video," Jeff smiled. "Thoughts?"

"Let's do rumors," Zack was the first to answer. "Like we could have fun with it, right? Make sure Tyler has a jar of peanut butter with him every time you see him. Show Brent and Adam-"

"No," Adam interrupted.

"I was going to say trading shirts before you go outside, so it's like you're feeding the Bradam rumors."

"I like it. What if my peanut butter jar gets bigger every time you see it?" Tyler grinned.

"And at the end we see you've packed nothing but peanut butter in your suitcase," Brent nodded. "We could have a really good time with this. Like would Ashton be in it? What if you open the door to your hotel room and she's there-"

"Covered in peanut butter. She'll do it or she can move out," Tyler got out his phone.

"I was going to say she's holding a jar of peanut butter and a spoon, but I'll let you work it out."

"She wants to be a damn Victoria's Secret Angel so bad she can strip for my music video," Tyler rolled his eyes. "Did I tell you she auditioned?"

"You should put Dax in it too," Zack suggested. "Oh man, will you really not do a Bradam scene? There's this fanfic that has like 9 bajillion reads where he walks in on you two and just joins in. It's actually kind of sad cause you all die at the end of the series, but-"

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