Chapter 16: Road Dome?

Start from the beginning

Ugh, stupid fucking curfew.

Looking to Tyler, I watched him grab a bunch of the little boxes with Hershey kisses in them. He began shoving them in my purse and I laughed wanting to smack him but instead being the look out.

"These are the good ones with almonds in them. Only rich people have this shit." He said laughing and looking around too.

He grabbed my purse and gestured for me to follow him.

Going to the table with all his aunts and his mom, he waved to them, "I'm taking Vydia home, she'll give me some road dome so don't worry Aunt Becca." He joked but said it completely serious.

She looked confused, "What's road dome?" She asked staring at us.

I laughed and dropped my head into his shoulder feeling my face heat up in embarrassment.

Tyler's mom laughed dryly, "Ha Ha, funny. Drive safe and make sure you both buckle up please." She said to him while I waved bye to everyone.

Becca was still confused, "What's road dome?" She asked again.

One of the cousins walked by and stared at her confused, "That's a blow job in the car aunt Bec." He said laughing and looking to Tyler who was smirking.

She made a disgusted face, "You're gross, don't talk like that to her." She said hitting Tyler who laughed.

Tyler took my hand hurrying me out there and to his car.

I got in and he buckled up as I did, "Want a kiss?" I asked holding up a Hershey kiss.

He smirked and nodded opening his mouth.

Opening one up, I dropped it into his mouth and he ate it happily, "Remember after you got your nipples pierced Bella face timed me to show me them?" He asked laughing as he pulled out.

I laughed and nodded, "And you were appalled but fascinated, yes, I remember." I said watching him reach over and grab a Hershey kiss holding it up, "Your nipples are like Hershey kisses." He said looking to me smirking.


Giving him a look, I swatted his arm, "I bet the castle has Hershey kisses with almonds in them." I said thoughtfully out loud.

He stared over at me, "But do they have rice crispy treats?" He asked cocking an eyebrow at me.

I smirked and nodded, "The one hundred and eighty pack. Assorted. Chocolate drizzle, little chocolate drops, even the one with dark chocolate." I said watching him moan.

He laughed and looked over at me smiling.

It was a second of him smiling at me before everything went black.


Running my hand to my forehead, I felt the blood pouring from it. Fuck.

I looked over at Tyler as he stared down at his legs as they gushed blood.

"Tyler!" I said looking over at him and watching him continue screaming.

Surroundings Vydia, surroundings.

Looking around, I noted that the car was literally cut in half and our half was in a...conveniency store?

I don't know where the hood is.

Going to my belt, I unbuckled it and noted the bone sticking out of my thigh.

Fighting back a gag, I looked at Tyler who was out now, "Ty! Hey, Tyler, please wake up." I said not knowing if the tears or the blood was dripping down my face.

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