"Gretta said to be back by ten, and I know for a fact it has been two hours. I have to make sure she takes her cholesterol medication." Willow's voice was hurried and distressed. "It's my responsibility to make sure she's alright and I was too careless and selfish to even take that in account. Stupid, stupid, stupid." She whispered the rest intending for it not to be heard. While abruptly getting away, her body heat followed and from the circling footsteps I knew she was pacing.

"Willow," I stood in front of her. "Stop worrying, she's a grown woman I'm sure she can manage for one night," I reassured gently while comfortingly rubbing up and down on her shoulders. "I wanted you with me on my birthday anyway. Imagine how boring it would've been had you not showed up." The grooves in my cheeks turned up cracking a smile.

She patently relaxed with the untensing of her stance and sighed softly. "Yeah, I... I guess you're right. But still," Deep down this was bothering her and I knew that. But for once she needed just a little time to enjoy what little chance of freedom someone in her position had.

"No buts, you're staying with me for the night." My fingertips ached to explore what was hiding from me under her dress.

"Ace, that's a generous offer but-"

"Uh-uh, what did I say?"



"How 'bout-"


"But if-"



"End of story. You're coming with me for the night. Avoiding you all week is tiring for the immune system. I need a week's worth of my daily dose of sunshine." My index finger tenderly tilted her smooth chin up at me. "And that is you."

She got away from my grasp and took a few steps back. "Gee Ace, your kindness is so forward. I can't help but feel a little guilty about not returning your generosity. It just makes my stomach feel so darn fuzzy."

I laughed boisterously without any effort to stop it. "Ya know I feel the same way when you're around."

"You talk up a good game Ace Valentino," she noted playfully.

"Saying it's a game would only mean I've been waiting on the bench this entire time. Trust me cara this is far from a game to me." As my fingertips traced the outline of her shoulder, causing goosebumps, I trailed them down to her hand.

Latching on and intertwining our phalanges, I pulled her abruptly along.

"Wait," she stamped down onto the ground. "The only type of shoes I have would be those stilts over there. I can't walk around barefoot."

Despite it being dark, I knew Willow was conflicted on this risk or not. She always came across as someone caring more for others than herself.

Than an idea hit me. In pitch-black darkness my right arm collected her legs and the left held her back. The position was familiar, holding any woman bridal style felt like it would be too intimate for me. But for some reason having a grip of every crevice and curve, this position wasn't initimate enough.

"Ace," she wrapped her arms around my neck firmly. "You do realize I'm 5'2 and being up this high has me slightly on edge," the grip around my neck tightened.

"Alright, it's either this or stilettos, your choice." My breath fanned her face and I could feel her shudder. The warmth she produced in my arms from her small frame had me oddly content.

Sighing defeatedly, "Okay, but please don't drop me."

I scoffed, "You weigh practically nothing, stop worrying and enjoy the moment."

The Boy with Bad HabitsWhere stories live. Discover now