"It's our week off," Zack laughed. "You're a terrible liar."

"I'm also out of pot," Adam reached for the box to check again. Empty. He looked for his phone. "Shit. Where's my phone?"

"By the oven. But don't text Joe, please, Adam. Take a break."

"It's not hurting anything."

"You're hiding, Adam. Text your boyfriend instead."

"He's not my boyfriend, we're not doing that," Adam got up to get his phone.

"Yeah, okay."

Joe showed up barely an hour later. Adam motioned for him to go to the family room but Joe went right upstairs to Adam's room and sat on his bed.

"So, you date movie stars now?" Joe took baggie out of his pocket.

"We're not together," Adam insisted, again.

"Suck my dick."


"You heard me," Joe laughed. "If he's not your boyfriend, you can suck my dick."

"No, jackass, I won't if you're gonna be a prick about it," Adam felt guilty for even considering it. Trevor would be furious.

"That's fair. I should have brought you flowers, I guess."

"I like flowers," Adam still had the vase but the flowers were gone. "Oleanders. They're cute."

"You know they're poisonous, right?"

"What? Then why do they sell them?"

"Mistletoe is poisonous too and yet," Joe shrugged. "You seem different."

"It happens," Adam sat down with him. "How, uh, are you?"

"Was that a hard question to ask?" Joe grinned. "I'm good. School sucks, but the semester is almost over."

"I was going to ask about Kieran, but I realized I hadn't asked about you first," Adam admitted. "Guess I'm not so different after all. Still awkward as fuck."

"Kieran's fine, he's the same as ever. And you're not as awkward as you think. Not anymore."


"So, you're just banging Trevor Malone, you're not really together?"

"He asked, I couldn't say yes."

"I thought you were the type," Joe raised his eyebrows. "Don't you want a husband and kids and all that?"

"Yeah, one day," Adam couldn't really picture it but he knew that was probably just because it was so far away. "I mean, I'm not that into Trevor though. I like him but not...that much."

"Hm. So how do you want to pay for this?"

"Do you take AmEx?"


"How much is it?" Adam had never paid for his pot before. Joe just gave it to him. "I mean, you said before I wasn't trading sex for drugs so...was I?"

"No, but you could start," Joe grinned. "I'm kidding, Adam, you don't pay."


"Because I like you. And because I like knowing you were half a virgin before I got to you."

"Really?" Adam wasn't sure what any of that meant but he didn't want to think too much. He didn't have the money, so if Joe decided to make him pay he would have to give up pot. And Adam really didn't want to do that.

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