Jealousy is an Ugly Word.

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"Maybe she needs more than just words." This dude was starting to enter some very dangerous territory.

"My relationship with Penny is none of your fucking business. You don't know her or what she needs. You are to only worry about her medical condition. Understand?"

"I think you need to understand that her emotional health is as important right now as her physical health." They were inching closer and closer to being in each other's face.

I knew I had to try to keep this from escalating even more.
"The two of you fighting would not be good for Penny. I think you both can agree that you don't want to upset her. Everyone needs to just step back and cool off."

"Thank you Dr. Gabriel for going above and beyond the call of duty. I'm home now so you don't have to waste your valuable time. I'm sure you have other patients that need your attention. Is there anything I need to sign for your billing purposes?" Brian's failed attempt at backing off.

Dr. Gabriel stood there stunned, he had just been dismissed, but soon recovered. He dug right back in.

"No Mr. Haner, this one's on the house. I'm glad that I was able to be here and help her. It would have been terrible if she had been alone. She seems to put your band before her own health."

"My band?" Brian was now in his face. I had to put an end to it, before things got way out of control. I could see the veins in Brian's neck starting to bulge.

I stepped between them nudging Brian back. "We're all family and Penny is a very loved part of that family. We'll all pull together to make sure she's not alone while she's going through this. Adam, why don't I walk you to the door? I'm sure Brian wants to go in and check on Penny."

"Wait a minute Matt. I need to let Dr. Gabriel know something." I didn't know what Brian was going to say, but I was afraid all hell was about to break loose.

"What is that Synyster Gates?" Dr. Gabriel was very defensive and clearly trying to antagonize Brian.

"Penny and I will be going to Ohio very soon and she will be staying there while I am on tour. So your services will not be needed once we leave."

"Have you discussed this with Penny?" Adam's face was now red. "Because I am surprised she didn't say anything to me about it."

"What my wife and I discuss is none of your business. I am telling you, that's all that is necessary. I'm going to go check on Penny now. Matt will see you out." Brian went into the bedroom and shut the door.

Dr. Gabriel and I both just stood there for a moment in awkward silence.

"I can see myself out." He started to leave I grabbed his shoulder and stopped him.

"Before you leave Adam, I think you should understand something, I stopped Brian tonight for Penny's sake, instead of joining him to beat the fucking shit out of you. If you step over the line again, you will not only have Brian and I to deal with. The whole band will be your problem. As I said we are a family. Is that clear?"

"You may consider yourself a family, but Penny can make her own choices. I am pretty sure she will not like Brian making this choice for her. She is not a possession and she is not a child." He said as he started to walk away. "By the way, your tattooed band of metal heads don't scare me."

I couldn't hold myself back, I followed him down the stairs. "What the fuck did you just say?" This time I grabbed his shoulder spun him around and slammed him up against the wall. I could tell he was afraid, but he tried not to show it.

"I said your family doesn't scare me." He smiled smugly. "Go ahead, I'm sure Penny will be delighted when you get arrested for assaulting me in her house. Especially after I took care of her all afternoon and she's upstairs asleep."

I backed off, I was already pretty sure Penny was not going to be cool with what Brian did and I didn't want to add fuel to the fire. It was clear he was prepared to take it all and turn it to his advantage. Although, I could still see fear in his eyes.
"You're right Doctor, I have too much love and respect for Penny and Brian to give you what you deserve right now."

He didn't speak another word and left quickly, I knew I had scared the shit out of him.

Brian's POV
Penny was knocked out, it was obvious she had a horrible time of it just from the dark circles under her eyes and how pale she was. I felt so terrible when Adam pointed out that I started questioning him before asking about her. The things he said got to me. I needed to get control of this situation or I would be pushing her into his arms.

There was a knock on the bedroom door, Matt peaked in. "We need to talk."

"Ok, I'll be right there." I kissed Penny and left quietly.

"What happened when Dr. Dumb Fuck left?"

"I told him I only held you back instead of helping you beat his ass for Penny's sake. He said Penny could make her own choices and she's not a possession or a child."

"That son of a bitch!" I said.

"He said he wasn't afraid of our tattooed band of metal heads. It was then that I slammed him up against the wall and was about rip the shit out of him. He told me to go ahead and see how Penny liked that. I backed off, but I'm pretty sure I scared the crap out of him."

"What the hell should I do about this guy? He's right, Penny would not be happy. He's trying to undermine me by making me seem like a bad husband who's not what she needs."

"Brian, she would never fall for that. I know he's an ass and we see right through his bullshit, but she doesn't."

"I know, she trusts him, we both need her to be better and he's the best. We can't risk her life, because I'm mad. I just don't know if I can keep from hurting this guy."

Val came over and offered to have Penny spend the next day with her. I made her promise that I was called first if anything happened. The three of us talked about what I did and what Matt said to the jerk, they both urged me to tell Penny as soon as possible. They left and I went upstairs and wrapped my arms around her gently. She stirred enough to come closer and put her head on my shoulder. It was just our natural way of sleeping. That jerk doesn't understand the connection we have. I was exhausted like Matt said, I was soon asleep.

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