17 Happiest Place on Earth

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Finally after exploring every corner of Justin's privet jet for two hours, we landed in Florida. Justin snatched my backpack before I could put it and hanged it on his shoulders before showing me his tongue and I rolled my eyes.

We had literally turned into kids, just like we were going to Disneyland like we were kids but hey, you're never too old for Disney right?

I followed him out of the jet and outside the airport. A driver standing near a white Jaguar wished us and opened the backseat door for us. I wanted to pinch Justin for booking a Jaguar for just one day until I realized that back there in New York he's a very successful CEO.

"By the way, why did you come up with Disneyland?" I looked at him and asked when we started driving, his cheeks turned a shade of light pink.

"I....uh, it was my childhood wish to go to Disneyland but my parents were too busy to ever take me so....I picked Disneyland" He said while looking like he peed in his pants.

I paused for a second and burst out laughing and he looked at me with a poker face.

"Hhaahahhah oh my god! Look at your face! Ahahhahahahh" I laughed while clutching my stomach and he tried to fight a smile.

"Stop laughing...." He said calmly and I waved him off and continued laughing.

"I said stop laughing! It's not funny" He said and placed his palm on my mouth and I kicked my legs in the air and tried to take his hand off with mine but he was stronger.

I reached behind his neck and tickled it in a quick motion.

"What the!" He flinched back and touched where I ticked causing his hand to come off my mouth and I continued laughing more.

"Alright go on!" He folded his hand and sat back.

"Oh my god..." I breathed as I calmed down.

He was staring at me with a frown on his head. I sat up straight and pinched his cheek.

"Are you excited to live your....'childhood dream' little Justin?" I said while looking around and then looked back at him.

He tried to fight a smile again but eventually bursted out laughing.

"You're cruel" He shook his head.

"We're here!" I almost squealed when we reached.

"Don't leave my hand okay?" Justin warned when he held my hand after we got out of the car.

"Okay" I gave him a thumbs up.

"Very excited, are we?" He said when we started walking.

"As if you aren't, little Justin" I said and he gave me a glare making me giggle.

"Can we go to the Cinderella's castle first?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Oh wait! I want a photo with Mickey!" I said and dragged him to Mickey.

"Here! Take our photo" I handed Justin my phone and walked to Mickey.

I smiled when he took my hand kissed it. I stood beside him and for kissed his face and posed. Justin clicked the photo and then Mickey gave me something that I've wanted so bad.....the Mickey ears!

"Oh my! Thank you so much!" I said and he put them on my head.

"No...I uh...I don't wan--- alright..." Justin tried to say as Mickey put those ears on his head too.

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