My Fault?

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When I finally got home no one was there.

Not even Alison so I couldn't ask her what had happened. I sighed then went straight to the shower, all the while rubbing the chills from my arm. I was still bothered by this morning. Who wouldn't be? Just thinking about how my naked body was on Jack's....

I turned the water to level: Satan, and let the souring hot water run down my back. Of course the memories of this morning kept replaying in my head. Jack said he didn't screw me but it doesn't explain how I ended up in the same bed as him, naked at that. It was weird. Too weird and embarrassing. Oh God, who else knew?

My eyes widened. "Kale," I mouthed. "Oh no, oh no, oh no..."

He was supposed to be at the party, did he know? Did he see? I don't remember doing anything though? How could this be my fault? I need to talk to him. I turned off the water, grabbed a towel, my glasses, and then rushed to my room. I threw on some clothes, slipped on my shoes, and let my wet hair soak on my shirt. I really didn't care at this point.

He lived right next door to. I rushed down the stairs (nearly tripping), ripped open the door, slammed it shut, and then ran across the green yard to his two story home.

I knocked on it and waited for someone to answer.

Finally, one of the maids answered the door. She looked me up and down, then with a rather annoyed look asked, "Yes? Can I help you?"

"Uhm... yeah, I need to talk to Kale?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm... Alison's sister? Kale's friend too... we're really close I promise!" I added after it looked like she was about to shut the door.

Very rudely, the maid rolled her eyes, muttering what I think said 'another one' before stepping aside and letting me into Kale's mansion. The floors were tiled, I could see my reflection it was so tiny. The door opened right to large, spacious living room. On the side were the stairs with the most elegant freaking railings I'd ever seen in my life.

"Follow me."

I followed her up the stairs and onto the second hallway that had paintings hung on the wall and end tables with vases of fresh flowers in it. We traveled to the end of the hall where it shot out in a T and took the right fork. She stopped us in front of a door and knocked.

After no response she sighed, then started walking the opposite direction. I followed without question and we stopped at another door which she opened without knocking. I followed in after her, my mouth gaped open as I took in the freaking library.

They have a freaking library.

Rich people I swear.

The walls were orientated with shelves of books. A large window looked out the back yard, there was a second story to the library with a cute winding staircase. A cluster of love seats gathered at one corner, Kale was in one of them.

He was reading a book, feet kicked up.

My heart raced at the sight of him. Seeing him reading was an odd turn on....

"Mr. Rivers." The maid said, "you have a guest."

Kale didn't look up as he flipped the next page. "I told you not to let anyone in without my permission, Dorothy."

"I apologize, I fear she would not have left until she saw you though."

I gave Dorothy a look but she ignored it.

Kale sighed, "I don't want to speak with you Alison, leave."

Ok. Awkward.... wait... wait one damn minute.

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