I've Won

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Alison managed to steal away Kale but he wasn't too happy.

Out of her peripheral she saw the twins enter the kitchen and give her a nod. Alison's lips curled up into a sinister, victorious smile. Ryan held up his hand with five fingers up.

Five minutes.

Alison turned back to Kale. He wasn't paying attention to her or the twins, he leaned against the kitchen counter, arms crossed, irritated. Finally he looked her dead in the eye, "What do you want?"

"I wanted to apologize about before." Alison started, "But... I just wanted to protect you."

Kale stared at her.

"Honestly." Alison expressed with her hands, "I was just afraid that you'd get hurt again."

"Are you serious?" asked Kale, dark humor tainted his words.

"Yes." replied Alison, serious. "I know I put you through a lot and I regret my actions, I never meant to break your heart."

Kale rolled his eyes, leaned off the counter, and was about to leave but Alison moved in front of him, eyes teary. "Please just hear me out."

Kale glared at her but slowly leaned back against the counter. "Hurry up with it then."

Alison sighed in relief and continued on with her ploy. "Listen, I found something out. I really... I really don't want to show you this but you need to know... I don't want you to get hurt again."

"Stop beating around the bush." Kale's eyes turned dark. "I'm not going to be fooled again, if you think that shit at the beach house meant something then your sadly mistaken. You misunderstood what I meant back there but let me clarify, I'll always have love for you but not in that way. That love ended a long time ago."

Alison's eyes flashed with annoyance, "I wasn't even talking about that, God. I know, you rejected me. I remember."

Kale mentioning that bothered Alison. Did he know what she was doing? Nonetheless she continued, if he did then at least she still had a card up her sleeve.

"Anyway, listen... I still care about you." Alison started again.

"Get on with it."

Inside Alison was building with rage. How dare Choca make Kale completely resent her like this. Just like Hayley.... "A few days ago I found Choca... and Jack together in the living room."

"If you're going to lie then at least be better at it." Kale said.

Oh I am. Alison gave him a hurt look, "I'm not lying! I can prove it."

Kale leaned towards her, his patience wearing thin. "Then prove it."

Alison pulled out her phone from her tiny purse that matched her icy blue dress. "I got these screen shots...."

Alison had the twins steal Jack's phone and screen shot her the messages from him and Choca. They even added in a juicy textes themselves, Alison was proud. While they sent her the fake messages Alison had also stolen Choca's phone, sent messages back and then deleted the evidence.

Kale looked at Alison, then took the phone. As he read the fake messages his breathing deepened and shook.

I had fun the other day... too bad Alison interrupted us.

It was so embarrassing! But... the way you touched me... it has me craving for more.

Really.... then I'll do more than just touch you chocolatee <3 ;)

I... I don't know, it was just so sudden and Kale and I talking, you know?

Fuck him, he thinks he's all bad but trust me, I can show you a real man in bed.


Trust me. My Halloween party is coming up pretty soon... how about we have some fun then?

Kale returned the phone to Alison and got off the counter, his face flushed with anger. He stormed to the back door to the back yard, Alison followed trying to fight off the smirk on her face. Jack was no longer outside, she followed Kale back into the house and watched him search the crowd, eventually it led him up the stairs. Alison's eyes widened, were they ready?

Alison caught a glimpse of Davin, Kale's friend from the swim team. Davin hated Alison but he agreed that Choca needed to stay away from Kale. Which was why he agreed to his part in the plan. So stupid, Alison thought, and easily manipulated.

Davin gave her a terse nod.

Kale stormed towards Jack's room at the end of the hall.

"Kale... I don't know-" Alison started but to her glee it was too late.

Kale ripped open the unlocked door.

Alison stood to the side of Kale, arms crossed, the ghost of a smile bringing up the corner of her lips.

In Kale's eyes all he saw was Choca laying naked next to Jack who was shirtless. Both passed out from over exerting to much energy. Choca's legs were thrown over Jack, her hand on his chest. Clothes scattered on the floor.

Even Alison was fooled by the scene and would make sure to give Davin the extra fee for him doing this.

"Oh... my God." Alison gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. "Kale...."

Alison's smile twisted upwards as she saw her victory.

The expression on Kale's face was priceless.

Too priceless.

Alison's inner smile fell....

He was hurt.

Too hurt.

Kale's blue eyes weren't angry.

They were... broken.

Alison stared at him, lost. Why.... why did he look like that. Before he was angry but now he was sad beyond measure. Like she had torn something very important away from him. Tears slipped from his eyes and that's when Alison knew that she really had broken him this time. Kale never showed emotion, he never cried, this was the first time she'd seen him cry. His fist were loose...

I hurt him... this bad?

A crowd had built behind them and they were laughing and snapping pictures of Jack and Choca. Kale noticed, shut the door, and walked away. Alison walked behind him. Her victory bittersweet. She followed him downstairs, then out the door, and then to the streets.

When he reached the door to his house she grabbed at his sleeve.

"Kale... wait-"

Alison felt his body turn rigid, he turned towards her, the expression on his face blank, his blue eyes empty. Alison dropped her hand and watched him go inside of his house and shut the door behind him.

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