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Jack groaned.

His head felt heavy like led, he had no memory, he had no idea where he was. His vision was blurry at first but as he blinked away the gray spots in his vision he realized he was in his room.

It was hot.

Too hot.

He moved up and realized that there was something weighing him down. He looked down and saw a mass of black, curly hair spilled over his chest and a caramel colored arm.

"Who..." Jack's mouth felt like cotton, tasted like beer. The girl was naked and all over him, she was also passed out. Did I fuck her? Jack looked at the time and saw that it was eight in the morning, outside it was dark from a brewing storm. . He gently pushed the girl off of him, when her face turned to him his eyes widened in shock.

"Holy shit!" Jack gasped and jumped off the bed.

Choca mumbled something underneath her breath and curled herself into a tight ball, shivering. Jack walked back unsteadily to the bed then realized that he was also naked.

"What kind of sorcery..." When the fuck did they do it? Jack had no recollection of even seeing her at the party. He didn't exactly believe that she'd enter a room with him either.

Something was wrong and he could feel it.

Jack found his boxers and pants on the floor and put them on. He glanced at Choca shivering again and so he gently covered her up. He stared at her, his forehead wrinkling.

"Did we?" He voiced aloud. He shook his head, really can't remembering then went to his closet and grabbed a hoodie. He opened his door and entered the clean hall. He walked downstairs and noticed the leftover mess from the party.

His maid, Beth, an old Asian lady was already beginning to clean.

"Good morning, sir." Beth said once she saw him.

"Hey, Beth, what happened?"

"Your party, sir." Her accent was thick, "You go party at other houses so the other maids can clean up your mess."

Beth glared at him, she was the house maid and only had to fix this house. If he had thrown the party at his other houses then those maids would be cleaning.

"I too old for this."

"I love you too, Beth." Jack smiled then walked to the kitchen to grab him something to drink. He sat at the island table and drank from a water bottle.

Beth walked in, her beady eyes glaring at him. "You lucky your father and mother are out of town. If they find out you party at this house you in big trouble."

Jack groaned, "Beth, please, clean this place up really nice for me then. Pretty please."

"You pay me extra and I close my mouth."

Beth wasn't the conventional maid, she liked to black mail for extra money but Jack respected that. Thought she was cool. "Fine, I'll give you five hundred."

"Five fifty." She said.

"Fine. Thank you."

Beth left to clean up the house real good.

After a few minutes trying to remember how the hell he and Choca ended up naked in bed he still didn't know. The last thing he remembered was having a chug contest with some of the guys on the football team.

Jack rubbed his chin, eyes squinting, and that's when he heard the scream. He shot up and ran up the stairs. 


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