Watching Drama

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The final bell rang and I happily proceeded to leave the building.

I had so many things to watch when I got home. On the way out the building I noticed Jack hanging around a bunch of slutty looking females. But his eyes weren't focused on them, I stopped to see where his line of sight was...

Alison stood on the other side of the hall with Ria laughing about something. I cocked my head, but shook it out the next second. I didn't have time for their drama. Just as I was making my way out the door in the crowded hall I ran straight into Kale.

I looked up at him, and him down at me.

I was about to say something but he just walked around me like- swerve! I rolled my eyes and kept on walking. "Bipolar ass." I muttered under my breath. But I looked over my shoulder and saw his head turned towards Jack and Jack caught it and glared.

I stopped in the corner where I wouldn't be trampled. Jack and I watched as Kale continued down the hall, but Alison saw him and started to walk to him and speak to him. Jack's jaw tightened but one of the girls latched onto him pulled his attention away and he resumed smiling all fake like.

Kale gave Alison something, she thanked him, and then he continued walking down the hall. Alison glanced at Jack for a second and frowned at his back as he walked away with the two girls. Alison rolled her eyes and went back to Ria who was texting on her phone.

Jack was too indulged with the girls that he didn't notice me as he walked out the double doors.

"You're the girl from earlier."

I wasn't paying much attention to the voice. I didn't know that the initiative comment was for me until I turned and saw the boy from earlier staring down at me.

"Uh... huh?"

"You're the girl from earlier. Choca, was it?"

"Uh... yeah?"

"Hmm." The boy said, looking me up and down, and then studying my face. I felt self-conscious, I wanted to hide myself bad. "I'm Davin."

"Hi." I said, "Well, I got to go so..."

"You like Kale?"

My cheeks flushed and my heart skipped a beat. "What? No, he's just Alison's friend that talk to sometimes."

"Alison?" His eyes darkened. "Oh, the bitch."

I glared at him, "Hey, don't call her a bitch. I don't care what grudge you got against her but don't be name calling her around me."

Davin smirked, "You're new, I'm guessing."


"And, nothing. Just explains some things." Davin leaned down, making me back away. "I don't know if you're pretty or not, I can't decide."

I resisted the urge to kick his balls. I couldn't even say that he was ugly when he knew it as well as I did that he was anything but.

"Whatever." I tried to move past him but he blocked me off, "Don't mess with Kale."

A nerve bulged, "Are you serious? First the twins, now you? God, if you have a crush on Kale just go tell him, I don't judge."

Davin glared at me. "I'm not gay."

I moved his arm away, "Could've fooled me."

I hurried out the doors and down the stairs and mixed with the crowd. Hopefully he didn't follow. 

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