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Jack POV

Jack watched Choca fall back asleep. She was curled up, breathing softly. He was glad that at least she was able to sleep again. He stayed with her, massaging her head back, his eyes on her the entire time. He didn't want to leave her alone... he wanted to be here for her. He needed to be there for her; in a way he saw her as his redemption for the things he's done in his life. If he saved her, he'd save himself.

The door suddenly opened and her mom came in looking tired.

She gave Jack a weak smile then turned to Choca, "She asleep?"

"Yeah, she threw up, had a fit, but I calmed her down."

"That's good." Mrs. Conners said, "she's going to be staying her for a while longer, but her surgery will be next month, December 15th, they want to try some things first and run some more test. They won't do chemotherapy though... there's so many appointments she will have to go to, I think I have to temporary quit my job. Choca's going to need me."

Jack nodded, "Well, Randy will understand and he has a good job himself. I'm sure he won't be too worried about it."

"I know, it's just that I don't like to rely on anyone." She said, then sighed. "But my baby needs me."

"I'll hire the best surgeon for this job." Jack said. "Don't worry, she'll be alright."

She gave him a smile, "I'm glad my daughter has you in her life."

Mrs. Conners stayed for a little bit until she had to leave to go to work. "I'm going to give them my notice now, take care of her for me while I'm gone."

Jack nodded, "I will."

Once she left Jack retreated in his thoughts. But the more he thought the more he wanted to forget. He wanted to forget... drugs and alcohol popped into his mind but he had to be strong and stay away from them for a while. Choca needed him right now and so he thought of ways to make her happy. She still had presents from before but he wanted to give her more. The red carnation was still on the table and he wanted nothing more than to chuck it out the window.

The door suddenly opened, his head whipped up just in time to see Alison walk in. Jack's eyes softened when he saw her. Alison... the girl he'd fall in love with when he first moved to this shitty, white wash rich town. The girl who he thought understood Jack, the one who said that she loved him, the one that his heart still ached for. Though, he tried not to show it. But... she was beautiful even now. She wore a long sleeved gray shirt and jeans that complemented her figure. Her hair was styled in waves that looked beautiful on her, her beautiful brown eyes that stared at him darkly still looked beautiful to him.

"Jack?" She said, crossing her arms. "Hmph, I heard you've been skipping school a lot and coming here instead."

"Your point?" Jack asked, still gently messaging Choca's head.

"That's not good, you should come to school and stop worrying about her. I don't even know why you're here in the first place but-"

He interrupted her right there, "I'm here because I like her."

Alison's eye twitched, "Like?"

Jack nodded, "Yeah."

Alison scoffed, then paced back and forth, her eyes going from the floor to him. "I find that hard to believe Jack."


"Because you were all over me a month ago."

Jack smiled, "Yes that was a month ago."

"And you were fucking random girls to forget me," Alison looked like she figured it out but she couldn't have been more wrong. "So, Choca's just another cherry to pop then?"

Alison said it nastily. Jack was the one who popped Alison's cherry it was why she couldn't let Jack go, but at the same time Kale was her first boyfriend and they've known each other since childhood, which is why she couldn't get over him. Jack understood at least that part about the way Alison's mind worked.

"That has nothing to do with you." Jack said, "Listen, like it or not I'm going to pursue her."

Alison's fist clenched, her eyes glazing over with rage. "But she cheated on Kale with you, don't you think this is redundant?"

Jack laughed, then looked down at Choca but she was asleep. He wondered why at all the important conversations she fell hard asleep. He brought his eyes back up to Alison, tilted his head down, and narrowed his eyes into malicious slits. "Don't think that shit you pulled with the twins is going to work on me."

Jack stood up and slowly approached her. Her pose turned defensive as she started to mutter denial. When he was nose to nose with her he tilted his head and smiled, "but then again I should thank you for making Kale completely want to shun her out of his life because now she's free for the taking and I plan on taking her."

Alison's face turned tomato red.

Jack chuckled and eased back, "Looks like your plan backfired and there's no way in hell that I'll allow your conniving fingers to try and tear what I got going on with her." Then as an afterthought added, "though I think Kale is starting to figure out your little scheme and when he finds out you're really going to be alone Alison. You'll have none of us and that's how it should be."

Tears started to fall from her eyes, "Jack please you're talking crazy..."

He almost laughed out loud but kept his voice low, "you think your tears are going to change something? I'm not falling for that bullshit again."

"Jack." Alison closed her eyes, then moved her jaw around, finally she looked back at him, her eyes crazy. "Don't you see what she is doing? She's just using this sickness to get your attention!"

"You realize how stupid you sound?"

"Jack please, I'm begging you just... just come back to me."

Jack's heart pulled at seeing the pain in her eyes but he wouldn't be fooled. "No, I can't. You're looking for me and Kale to be in your life and I'm not settling for that... you had the option to choose one of us-"

"I chose both of you." Alison cried.

Jack shook his head, "that's not how it goes... so either you be here as her 'sister' or a friend but get otherwise get your spiteful, negative ass out of here because I'm not going to put up with your bullshit. Kale may be too afraid to let you know how it really is but I'm not."

Deep inside Jack was chipping away; he didn't want to hurt Alison and the look on her face made his heart ache, but he kept a strong, uncaring face, it wasn't hard, he'd had too much practice over the years. He wanted to be with her but not if she wanted Kale in her life too.

Alison slumped her shoulders, "Fine... whatever..." then left without saying another word. Jack sighed, the energy leaving him and then walked back to where Choca was still soundly asleep.

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