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Everyone passed out around four in the morning.

Sheesh, I thought that they would never go to sleep. While the kiddies got their shut-eye. I snuck out the back door and pulled out my PSP, I had earned more points on my game and I intended to use it. I sat on the balcony that faced the ocean, I admit that I had to pull my eyes up every now and then to look up at the rising sunset. The purple, warm golden color of the sky was fascinating.

Until a body came stumbling out of the back door. My heart pounded against my ribs painfully but I saw that it was only Jack. God, I thought that was Alison.

Jack was of course, hungover, and clutching his head. He didn't see me since I was pressed against the wall. He kept walking until he was down in the yard then across to the boardwalk. I watched him with mild interest. He made it halfway across until he practically threw himself against the rails and splattered vomit down into the ravines.

"Ugh." I scrunched up my face in disgust, then watched him fall to his butt.

He let out a long, four symbol curse. He'd passed out earlier than the rest of us, nine maybe? So it could explain why he was out here at seven in the morning. Maybe, I don't know. I'd never been drunk. High? yes. Drunk? No.

Jack's shouldres suddenly started to shake. I thought he was laughing but instead the sounds that carried were of woe- woe? Dramatic much? Anyway- the kid was crying.

I felt uncomfortable. I got up, prepared to leave him to his misery but he looked so pitiful that I couldn't get my feet to move. I wanted to say something but this was awkward. Plus, I don't think he would want to see me.

Right. Alright, I was fully convinced that he didn't need me so I turned to walk away. That's when I lifted up my PSP to see that Asuka (the silent and dark type) was also crying. I read the options of my responses.

A. Hey? Are you okay?

B. (Tap on shoulder) Hey. Sorry, I didn't see you there.

C. (Silently hug from behind)

D. (Leave without responding)

I pursed my lips. "Coincidence?" I thought aloud. I highlighted B and pressed X. Asuka looked up, all defensive like.

"What?!" Her character shouted. My eyes widened, yikes. Okay, wrong choice.... I exited out without saving and went through the play again. This time I choise A.

Asuka looked up, sniffled, and turned away. "..."

Another set of choices came up.

A. (Sit down and gently hug her)

B. What the hell are you crying for?

C. (Leave)

Grr. I didn't like either of the options.

I chose A anyway and Asuka gently rested her head on my shoulder and started to speak. I looked up at Jack, my mind running.

Should I....?

No, that's crazy. I gulped and put my PSP back into my jacket pocket and silently walked over to him. I cleared my throat. No troubles... this would play out like the game.

"Hey, are you okay?" I managed to get out but my voiced wheezed.

I was beside him now. Jack looked up, shocked, then angry, then embarresed, then sad again and hung his head low. "What do you want?"

Holy crap.

"Um... just, I um just saw you and-"

"So you thought you'd bother me? Worse, make me embaressed cuz a girl saw me cry?"

Whoa whoa whoa, this is so not how I imagined it. "No.... I just. I was worried you'd like... pass out or something. You have a headache? I can get you some tylanol."

Jack looked up at me, his eyes were blood shot. "I... no, just leave me alone."

I hesitated for a bit but then I went back into the kitchen and searched for a tylanol or aspirin bottle. Finally found it in the third cupholder. I grabbed a glass of water and headed back out to where Jack was. He was still groaning a little. I stood in front of him and he glared at me with bloodshot eyes. I stuck out my hand with the bottle and held out the other with the water.

"Here." I said. "Take it."

Jack sighed, but took it. "Thanks." He muttered and downed two pills, drinking all of the water.

"Come on. Let's get you to bed." I said, surprising even myself. When did I start caring all of the sudden? Jack shook his head though.

"No, I'm fine right here. I... need to get away from all of them." He wiped down his face and sighed.

"Okay..." I said awkwardly.

When I didn't leave he looked at me, frowning. "Why are you still here?"

"I... I don't know." I answered, rubbing my neck nervously. "Do you um.... want to play?" I said impulsively and then took out my psp. I am such a spaz. Ugh. Jack looked at my outstretched hand and at the PSP.

The main screen was up, showing my lovely babies.

Jack's eyes widened suddenly, "Oh, you play RPG games too?"

The way he said it.... my eyes widened.... "You.... play...too?"

Jack nodded. A hundred cupids just shot through my chest in an instant, I looked at him lke he was a new person. Angel wings suddenly sprouted from his back and he was basked in a holy light.

Could this be.... my soulmate?

Jack took the it and smiled. "I have the new one after this, but this takes me back."

His thumbs danced on the bottons as he created his own game.

"You... have the new one?" My eyes were wide.

Jack nodded without looking at me. "Yeah. It's pretty cool."




I sat down next to him and watched him play.

"I like Asuka." He said. "I didn't know you played, that's pretty cool."

"You're telling me." I said, shocked. "You watch anime too?"

Jack shrugged, "I did before, but I haven't watched any in a while. I'm guessing you do though."

"Yeah." I exclaimed, excited that there was finally someone cool that I could get along with. "There's alot of new animes out now that are really good. Like Tokyo Ghoul, Seven Deadly Sins, and a bunch of others."

"I haven't heard any of them." Jack said.

"It's really good."

"I'll have to check it out sometime." Jack turned to me and smiled, but then frowned. "Sorry by the way."

"For what?" I asked, he had just given me the greatest gift ever.

"At the party for kissing you. I'm an asshole."

I looked away and blushed, the night suddenly popping back to the top of my mind. "It's... fine."

I said, not really sure what else to say. Jack sighed, and handed me the PSP, I took it, a little disappointed.

"Thanks, but I got to shower or something." Jack said, standing up. I got up to and we headed towards the house. I stopped outside though while he continued inside, but before he did he turned around and gave me a smile.

"Thanks again, Chocolate."

Moment ruined.

I glared at him, "It's Choca!"

Jack snorted and went inside the house. I huffed, pissed off.

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