Vantage Point

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At the end of class Jack annoyingly stuck to me.

Why couldn't he let me be depressed in silence?

People were staring too, making it even more annoying. I headed towards my locker, Jack yammered in my ear about this and that but I lost track because my eyes were trailed on something else, rather on someone else... two people.

Kale... and in front of him Alison.

Kale faced towards us, our eyes immediately connected and there was a moment of shock... and anger. Alison turned to us too when she saw how dark Kale's face got. When our eyes met her brows dove down along with the corners of her lip.


Alison POV

Alison saw Jack and Choca and rage filled her.

No... no that's not supposed to happen. Why is he with that fucking reject? Got damn it, I'll have to do something about this now. Why couldn't she just stay away from the both of them.

Her nose flared as she eyed the two together. It wasn't fair to Alison that she had to deal with such an annoying step-sister. Alison considered herself nice to her but Choca was nothing more than a backstabber and for that she needed to pay.


Kale's POV

They're together... guess the rumors are true.


Jack's POV

Why are those two together... Jack crossed his arms and stared Kale down. I won't let you have this one... His eyes turned to Alison, he admitted that he still had a soft spot for her, but Jack had to forget about her. She only caused chaos and pain in his life.

Jack looked down at Choca and saw the pain riddled in her eyes as she looked at Kale.

Jack sighed.

I have to do something about this...


Choca POV

Jack suddenly grabbed my arm and started pulling them towards them.

I started to panic, "What are you doing!"

He was too strong for me to resist and next thing I freaking know both of us are in front of them. My eyes widened, is Jack freaking crazy! I tried to speak but he cut me off.

"It seems we all have a problem." Jack stated, "But I'm going to settle this right now."

Jack turned to Alison, "You, stop interfering with people's love lives."

Alison's face turned beet red, "What are you talking about! Jack, stop this your bringing a lot of attention on us!"

"I don't give a damn, Alison. Me and you both know that there is something off about you know what. I will figure it out, trust me."

She crossed her arms, "I don't know what you are talking about."

Jack turned to me, "Notice the defensive gesture."

I did, I gave Alison a look but she avoided eye contact.

"Next is you." Jack turned to Kale.

"What is it?" Kale asked, his eyes shadowed with unleashed wrath.

I watched as Jack grinned, then wrap his arm around my neck to pull me closer. "Thanks for tossing this one to the side, idiot. But then again I'd like to thank you."

At that moment I could feel something shift, maybe not like... a universal shift. But a shift between the four of us. Like this was only the beginning and more was to come of Jack's declaration. I remember the look on all of their faces...

Jack had a cocky grin but the way he held me close to him was like he was desperate to keep me to him, or rather he was just desperate to convince himself that he needed me.

Alison was shaking with anger; her nostrils were flaring but she was keeping her words to herself.

And Kale, well Kale was a hard cover to read. He gave me a look, a look that spoke thousands of words but in a different language that I couldn't understand. I know he was bothered, I know he was hurt and angry but I wanted to know the deeper stuff. What he's thinking or what he's going to do.

Or would he even care?

That fear came true when all he did was turn and walk away.

Alison looked to Kale and then to us, she glared at me as if I was the problem. "I told you not to hurt him, Choca."

She acted like I didn't have feelings. Okay? He's hurt but I'm hurt too. Alison turned on her heel, but threw Jack one final glare before going after Kale. Feeling the pressure weigh down on me I threw Jack's arm off me and glared at him, "Why'd you do that!"

"Darling, I'm-"

"No. You made him hate me more." Tears finally let loose, I angrily wiped it away, then sped walked the other way.


Jack POV

Jack watched her walk away, then shrugged his shoulders.

"She'll fall for me."

Just as he was walking down the hallway he spotted the twins, his grin grew. "Ah, just the two that I needed to talk to."

The twins were talking to two girls in another hall, the girls were cute and ditzy. At one point they were all over Jack until he rejected them hard, hated him ever since, but surprisingly enough tried to hit at the twins, who were known to be his 'best friends'. Perhaps they thought that it would make him jealous, which only made Jack chuckle.

Jack approached them from behind, then hooked his arms around their shoulders to pull them close. He felt them stiffen under his arm, "Gentlemen, fancy seeing you here."

The two girls, Amanda and Jazmine, scowled at Jack.

"It is school." They both said, but their voice nervous.

"We need to talk..." Jack sneered into their ears.

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