He's Nanase Alright

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Everyone's gone.

I can play my game! I thought I had won but then I realized that I didn't have my PSP. Damn it! I looked around at the happy faces and wet bodies. It did look fun....

I sighed. But I still didn't want to take off my clothes. I was just sitting there for ten minutes trying to decide what to do when Beth came back all the sudden. Her dark hair was slicked back and she had this smug look on her face.

My brow arched.

"Oh, the freaks by herself." She feined sadness.

"What is your problem?" I glared at her.

"You, fatass." She said.

I shrugged, "At least it's bigger than yours."

Beth poked her tongue against her cheek, her blue eyes narrowing evily. "You better watch it, bitch."

 A vein throbbed, I stood up and faced her.

"You better chill out before I really snap." I clenched my fist. I'd never gotten into a real fight but I'd watch enough of History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi to know how to deal with a bully. And this bitch was testing me.

"What the hell you gonna do?" She snapped back.

"I will hit you." I threatened, my fist shaking.

Just before the fight got even more heated Kale and Desmond popped out of nowhere and stepped in between us. While Desmond attempted to calm Beth down, Kale grabbed my arm and started to pull me away. I didn't resist and he let go shortly after.

We walked along a winding river ride. People were on tubes riding down the fast current, squealing with delight.

I was a little behind him so I could see how toned his back was. I mouthed, oh my Gawddd!

I looked away, fighting the sudden arousal. "So.... what'd you want?"

Kale glanced down at me. "To stop you and Beth from fighting."

"Oh." I pursed out my lips, "She started it."

Kale shrugged, we stopped and he turned to face me. "You don't like swimming do you?"

I shrugged. Unless I'm watching Free! I wanted nothing to do with pools or the beach. Speaking of the anime, Kale was like the human version of Nanase.

"So I'm guessing you can't really swim."

"I can... ish." I added. "I don't know, the last time I swam was when I went to my cousin's birthday party. I think I was like ten or something."

Kale really looked amused now.

I crossed my arms, "I just want to go home."

"And play that game, right?"

"No, I want to catch up on One Piece, episode 731 just came out."

Kale's expression turned dead. "Wow." Was all he could say.

"It's an awesome anime." I retorted, crossing my arms.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Beth approaching us. I internally sighed before looking at her. She had this innocent smile but her eyes were anything but.

Kale started first, "Beth don't try and bring that over here."

She blinked at him, "I'm just over here to apologize to Chocolate."


She looked at me and then placed her hand on my shoulder. "Truly, I am deeply sorry."

I narrowed my eyes but it was too late. I should've seen it coming, che! I screeched as I fell back into the running water. Before I was completely submerged I heard Kale yell at Beth as she laughed. Water entered my nose and ears. I lost my glasses, so now I really was blind. The current was fast. Too fast. I moved my arms to break surface and took a deep breath but just as I did a tube with someone on it hit me in the head. At the rate of speed they were going it hit hard.

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