I think I'm alright

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We made it to the end of the trail.

Everyone was worried and asked us a bunch of questions. Luckily the cuts on my forearm from falling distracted them enough. This was the official story though...

I got scared and ran off (believable), I tripped, and when he found me the light went out and we were struggling to find our way out (believable). But Alison just kept giving us this look like she knew something happened and worse, Jack held the same expression.

"I'm fine." I said for the thousandth time. "It's just a scratch."

Mrs. Robinson, a doctor, checked me once again for good measure until finally she declared that I was alright. She was an athletic-built, thirty- something mom who was wearing a ridiculous Halloween sweater and white pants. Her white-blond hair was pulled up into a top knot.

Alison and everyone stood around us watching like hawks. I didn't like the attention and wished they would go away. I avoided making eye contact with Kale... I think we both needed to calm down a little.

I could still feel the ghost of his lips on my skin. I shuddered with pleasure and hoped no one noticed.

"Well since she's obviously alright, we should go get some food." Beth announced, annoyed that I was the center of attention. Hell, my breathing annoyed Beth.

"Go on, kids." Mrs. Robinson said.

I stood up and followed the group go around the small forest patch to the other side. I was silent for the most part. Alison kept asking if I was really alright, it started to annoy me at one point that I nearly snapped at her.

We found pizza in the teen designated court and ate. I forced myself to eat but honestly I barely tasted anything. My mind was full of Kale and the moment in the forest. I felt disgusted yet... yearning for more. The feeling returned between my legs and I clenched hard, trying to get rid of the sensation.

I glanced at Kale a few times but he returned to socializing. I don't know how he did it.

A few of their other friends joined them but I was quiet.

Eventually the play started, I half payed attention to it.

Basically it was a bunch of kids in pumpkin and witch costumes running around the stage. Forgive me if my mind was occupied still.

Afterwards, we went home. Alison talked to me about some Halloween party on Saturday and I blatantly told her to count me out. But then she tempted me by saying I could cos play as any anime character.

Alright... that did sound good.


Too much parties for me and so I declined. 

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