You're going to the Beach

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I attempted to burn away the kiss with some good ole anime. I had to stay away from my mangas for awhile since most of what I downloaded was shoujo. God forbid I read anything that could relate to my life. But the anime wasn't working. My finger messaged my lips.

It felt nice.

"Ugh!" I groaned and smushed my face into the pillow. "Get out of my head!"

I clenched my legs together. Pissed off even more at the fact that I was kind of a little horny. I wanted more and because of that i was disgusted and pissed at myself.

"Stop it. Stop it. Just focus on the screen." I watched four more episodes of One Piece and that brought me to six in the morning. My eyes were beginning to drag to a close and before I knew it I was asleep. But my damn dreams were full of Kale and Jack.

When I woke up at three in the afternoon in a sweaty haze, I cursed.


A week went by without me leaving my room unless to go to the bathroom or to the kitchen to get something to eat. I absolutely refused to talk to Alison, it was kind of her fault in the first place that I was feeling so misreable. If I hadn't gone with her to that stupid party- ugh I don't even want to think about it.

So I moped around for the next couple weeks. My hair turned back into a frizzy afro and I was back in baggy sweats and my favorite Sword Art Online hoodie. I may have even gained five pounds in the process. My step father tried to 'connect' with me but unless he suddenly started to get into anime then that wasn't going to happen. Mom tried to get me to connect with the rest of the fam, but I had mangas to read and anime to watch.

Alison tried to talk me into going out with her friends but I just laughed in her face and slammed the door shut. Now there was only two more weeks until school started. Thinking about it made me grouchier than ever. I wouldn't have time to watch anime now. So I decided to binge watch for the next two weeks but my plans were foiled four days later when Alison stormed into my room.

I didn't lock it. Damn!

I was in the middle of playing Naruto online with my crew when she suddenly threatened to pull out the cord unless I listened to her.

"Che!" I exclaimed, angrily.

"Whatever. Listen, you need to stop this. You're a mess right now, you haven't even showered in a week."

"So? I'm not going anywhere." I picked at the dirt in my nails, then glared at her. "Will you leave me alone in peace?"


I grumbled loudly. "Why are you trying so hard? Aren't you supposed to hate me or something? Like in those stupid dramas that you watch?"

Alison frowned, her eyes flashing with unmask hurt. For some reason that took all of my surprise. "Why would I hate you?"

"B-because.... I'm your step sister and we're the complete opposites, and you're a prep."

Alison crossed her arms. "You really do watch too much cartoons." She rolled her eyes, placing her fist on her hip. "I've always wanted a sister dummy. Admittedly, you aren't what I was exactly hoping for but beggars can't be choosers."

I narrowed my eyes at her, "Wow, how kind of you." I said sarcastically.

"I'm just saying." She blew out her lips, exasperated. "Come on."

I shook my head, "No. I'm not going to another stupid party. The last one was awful."

She pursed her lips, "It wasn't that bad-"

"A drunk guy with a penis drawn on his cheeks kissed me."

"Well besides that obviously."

I sighed dramatically.

Alison continued, "Anyway, it's not a party. It's the beach-"

Again I shook my head, "Nope, black people do not mix with beaches."

"Choca!" Alison cried, "Just come to the beach with me!"


Before Alison could say anything mom's voice spoke from behind me. "Because, if you don't I won't give you anymore allowance to get anything else, you damn otaku."

My eyes widened in shock. I stood up and gave mom a horrified look. "Mother!"

Mom had a darker tone than me but her hair was always nice and pretty. Her dark eyes were narrowed, "No, I shouldn't even have funded the money for all this nonesense." When she said that she motioned to my awesome bedroom. "You're about to be eighteen years old, you're not a child anymore. You need to learn how to socialize with other people."

I glared at her. "I do know how to do that and I'm smart! Why can't you just be okay with that?"

"Choca." She gave me the look and I conceded. Damn it. Damn all of them.

Why couldn't they just see that they were making me drive deeper down that dark tunnel? If only I had stayed in my room. If only. But oh well, it's already happened so I might as well continue with the story.

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