The Axis X Chubby!Shy!Male Reader: Here's My Number (Intro)

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This was partially true. Another factor that made you stay was that, Abel and Emma were your only friends. You had a hard time making friends due to your shyness, just the thought of talking to someone besides your friends and co-workers made you nauseous. 
Abel and Emma were the only people who knew you were bisexual, and they were completely cool with it. Not even your own family knew, mainly because you feared their reaction. Tim and Emma also knew about your insecurity of your weight.

You have always been a bit on the heavy side. No you weren't fat, just fluffy as Emma would put it. But you still hated it. You hated it with a passion, just wanting it to be gone. You've tried nearly everything to try and lose some pounds, but it never seemed to work.
Tim has told you numerous times to stop worrying about your weight, it made you look cute. Of course this didn't mean he liked you more than a friend, he was just trying to be encouraging. But it made you blush every time. You had grown used to the constant poking of your weight, but it still pained your fragile heart.

You soon calmed down, your crying own mere hiccups and sniffles. You gently pushed Emma away, telling her you were fine now. You stood up, going over to a chair that was near the sink. At that time, Abel appeared. "Toris, take over _____'s shift for now..." He said, glancing at you before looking at the dark haired male. Toris nodded, grabbing his waiters apron and hurrying out. Tim looked you over, making sure you were ok, before turning and leaving.  You sighed, rubbing your puffy eyes.

"I'm surprised he hasn't fired me yet..." You muttered.

"Why would he fire you _____? You haven't done anything wrong." Emma said, motioning Edward to go ahead and cook without her. She grabbed a chair and pulled it up beside you. You shrugged and hung your head.

"The café is losing customers because Tim throws them out for picking on me. And the more customers we lose, the less income there is. And you know how Tim is about money." You stated, looking up at Emma a bit. The Belgianese  woman chuckled and smiled, ruffling your (h/c) hair a bit.

"I think Abel is more worried about you than the money, _____. And that's saying a lot..." She said, her cute cat like mouth stretched into a soft smile. You couldn't help but smile a bit, nodding in agreement.
She reached over and grabbed a waffle off of a plate when Edward wasn't watching and handed it to you. Your smile widened as you happily took it, biting into the delicious treat. You heard a tsk, looking over to see that it was Feliks who made the sound.

"_____, like, I don't understand how you, like, deal with that bs. Why not find a better job that is more, like, your style?" The Polish male said, striding towards you. He used you as an arm rest, grinning down at you. Many would have thought that Feliks was being rude, but he was just being his normal sassy self. You gave a small shrug and shook your head.

"I like this job, and I don't want any other..." You said, smiling a bit before finishing your waffle.


Soon, you're thirty minute break was over and you got back to work. You took time to clean yourself up, dusting off dirt that had gotten on your apron. The redness that surrounded your eyes was now gone, as if you weren't crying before.
You were standing in front of the kitchen doors, taking a deep breath before pushing it open and walking out. The café was a little empty, mainly because it was late in the evening. The café would actually close in about a hour or two.

You went around, shyly asking if anybody needing anything. For the most part they were already taken care of, only a few needing refills. This is what you liked about the evening, quiet and mellow.
Most of the customers were tired office workers looking for a place to relax, or a couple that were on date. You refilled an elderly mans coffee, him thanking you. You smiled softly, hoping these were the last of the customers...

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