Chapter 30: Open Window

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*Luke POV:*

"Can we do something else?" Daniel whines, throwing his head back onto the headboard, "I'm so. Fucking. Bored!" We all sighed at once. Of course Daniel was bored. He's always bored, no matter what we're doing.

"Jesus, Daniel! Seriously, what do you want to do? There's nothing!" James yells, standing up from the floor.

Oh boy.

Cat fight.

Beau and I try to hold back our laughter as Daniel and James go back and forth about what we want to do. All Daniel wanted to do was go and see Erin. He obviously likes her. I wish he would just ask her out already.

James finally gives up and pulls out his phone to text Marty. We all sit in silence as we wait for her to answer him and when she finally does, we all wait for James to tell is what's going on.

"She said her, Erin, and Cara are just sitting at her house," he shrugs, staring down at the phone screen. Daniel's head immediately pops up at the mention of Erin's name, as do mine and Beau's at the mention of Cara.

We all look at each other and nod, silently agreeing on what we are going to do. I give Beau a warning stare before we leave James' room and he returns it without hesitating.

God, he pisses me off.

We all climb into James' car and take off down the road to Marty's house. Half an hour later, we pull into the driveway and climb out of the vehicle. We all start to walk up to the front door but Daniel stops us.

"Wait!" He whisper yells, causing us all to groan in annoyance, "I want to listen!" He points to a window above and we all instantly catch on.

Daniel, James and I are all in fits of girly chuckles and Beau quietly mopes behind as we creep over to the open window on the side of the house and crouch beneath it, listening to every word the girls say.

*Cara POV:*

When I get to Marty's house, her and Erin are sitting up in her room with three tubs full of chocolate ice cream, bags of pretzels, chips, and lots of sweets. I giggle when I pad into the room and see Erin shoveling ice cream up to her mouth.

"Hey" Marty says to me with a mouth full of food.

I laugh at her sloppiness and wave, doing a weird little dance with my shoulders as I walk over to the bed and practically fall into the duvet. Without speaking, Marty holds out a silver spoon and I snatch it away from her, instantly stabbing into a tub of fudge ice cream.

"What's up chica?" Erin asks as she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. I swallow my ice cream and let out a slight sigh before speaking.

"Nothing.I just got done with my mum and 'Dean'," I explain, putting an annoyed emphasis on the man's name. I stick my hand into the bag of salted pretzels.

Marty and Erin both frown and Marty extends her arm, putting one hand on my shoulder. She rubs it gentler before asking sympathetically, "how did it go?'

"It was bad," I whine before popping some pretzels into my teeth. I'd honestly don't feel like talking about it at this point. It makes me sick to my stomach.

"Aawe, sweetie." Erin coos and scoops some more ice cream onto her spoon.

She holds in front of my face,"Here, you need this."

I laugh and accept her offer, swallowing the treat off of the spoon. It makes me feel better about the whole situation, knowing I have friends as great as these two.

The three of us talk about all of the recent things happening with us whilst we polish off practically ever snack sitting on the bed.

Marty tells us that her parents have been talking about possibly moving to a city an hour or so away from here. I almost feel like crying t the idea of her being far away, but she seems excited about the idea, so I put on a smile for her. She also tells us that her and James have gotten more serious. She said he met her family and that they all love him. I'm glad about that. Her family can be picky with her boyfriends, probably because she hasn't really had a boyfriend that has treated her right yet.

Erin says that she already started going to visit colleges with her older sister, and that she's found a few that likes with good teaching programs. I wish I knew what I wanted to do....

"What about Daniel?" Marty plays, nudging Erin with her elbow. Erin instantly blushes and I can tell she is trying to hide her smile by biting her lower lip.

"What about him, It's just Daniel?" She shrugs, trying not to make her feelings obvious.

*Luke POV:*

We sit beneath the window right in the middle of a conversation.

"What about him, it's just Daniel?" Erin states and all us boys turn to Daniel. He looks disappointed. Poor guy.

"You like him, don't you!?" Cara screeches. Her voice sounds so sweet.

Almost instantly, Daniel pops up and he looks around the group frantically, practically drooling.

"Maybe...." Erin admits and Cara and Marty both 'ooooh'. All of us silently cheer Daniel on, pushing him around while he closes his eyes and cheers for himself.

"Shut up!" Erin snaps and you can hear all three of them all laugh. When their laughter does down, Erin shrieks, "What about Luuuke?"

My heart begins to beat faster and my stomach flutters at the fact that Cara will be talking about me. I listen intently and Beau stands up to walk away, but I pull him back down onto the grass by his sleeve. I want him to hear every single word he says. I want him to know that she wants me, and only me.

"Well," Cara's flawless voice starts and I smile hugely, "He's perfect."

My heart practically skips a beat and my stomach does flips just listening to those words come out of her mouth. She said I was perfect.


Cara continues,"He's just so sweet and loving. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend."

I can't stop smiling while I listen to her. I feel like I'm floating. I sound so cheesy, but it's true.

I turn around to Beau and smirk at his depressed face. It sounds mean as fuck but he needs to know this stuff.

"But-" Cara hesitates.

What? But what?

I lean in closer and stand onto toes so I can her her.

"I kind of-" she's stuttering. Oh no. Why is she stuttering?

"Well- Beau. He kind of- well he kissed me."

What. The fuck.

My stomach stops its flips and drops. My heart beats faster and faster, but not in the good way. All of my happiness wipes away and anger takes over my body. I turn around to Beau and stare at him with disbelief. He scrambles up from the ground and starts to step backward from me, fear clear in his eyes. James and Daniel both run up to me and grab my arms before I can charge at my older brother.

*Cara POV:*

"I'm going to bust your fucking head in you sick fuck!!!" a voice screams from outside, causing all three of us to jump.

I gasp when I recognize the voice and stand up, rushing over to the window. When I look down I see James and Daniel holding Luke by his arms whilst he squirms in anger. Beau backed up against a fence. Almost all of the wind is knocked out of me and I put my hand over my mouth to prevent myself from shrieking.

"Luke!" I yell from the window.

He stops his squirming and pushes his way out of James and Daniel's grip before he turns around to look at me. His face is beet red and I can see his chest rapidly rise and fall. He stares at me silently for a moment before turning around and walking out of the yard, cursing under his breath.

Oh shit. What did I do?

I run from the window and ignore Marty and Erin calling my name as I try my hardest to hustle down the stairs and head out the door.


Lara or Bara?

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Love you all.

Stay beautiful.

Keep reading.

xxx- Chloe <3

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