Chapter 20: Discovery

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*Cara POV:*

After our discussion at the table, we all went to go film, except Beau. Lord knows what's up his ass today.

We went on a train and did stupid things just to make the people sitting next to us mad. It was really fun. James pretended to watch porn and Jai messed with an older guy. Marty, Erin and I even sang "Baby" for everyone on the train. That was my favorite part. When we finally finished, it was 3 in the afternoon. That gave me just about two hours to get ready for my birthday date with Luke. We were walking back to the boys' house from the train station. I was on Luke's back with everyone else following closely next to us.

Luke turned his head around to look at me, "Do you want me to take you home before dinner so you can get some things and see your mum, love?" The word, 'love' leaving his mouth gives me butterflies in my stomach.

I giggled and put my hands around his eyes, "Yes. That's fine." Luke poked his tongue out at me, my palms still blocking his vision. I giggled, tilted my head and gave him a slight peck on the lips before removing my hands to reveal his big brown eyes.

"So we'll leave as soon as we get home then?" He states more than asks. I nod with a smile.

We walk all the way back to the boys' house and Luke and I say our goodbyes before driving back to my house to get my things. The whole way there, Luke and I sing along to the radio and we even dance a little. Twenty minutes and we're back to my home. My mum's red camero is sitting in the driveway. I'm glad she's home. I haven't talked to her in two days.

Luke tells me he'll wait in the car whilst I get my things for the next couple of days and a nice outfit for tonight. I'm assuming my mum won't mind me leaving. She hasn't been around the house much, herself.

I shuffle up to the front door and slowly turn the knob. I swing the door open and begin to make my way inside. All the lights are off, which confuses me because I know my Mum is here. And it's nearly 4, so she can't possibly be sleeping.

I pad into the kitchen and turn on the lights: "Mum?" I shout, my voice echoing throughout the quiet house, "I'm home!"

I make my way through the house, turning lights on and back off as I go. There's no sign of my mother in the kitchen, lounge room, or front room, so I decide to make my way upstairs. I continue the call out as I make my way down the upstairs hallway.

"Mum? Are you here?"

I walk quietly past the upstairs bathroom and I hear a faint noise. I couldn't quite make it out, but my curiosity got the best of me and I decided I would follow it.

I followed the noise all the way to my mother's room. I slowly inched my hand toward the knob of the door. I was scared. Anxiety immediately took over. What if someone was murdering my mother? What if someone was behind that door, robbing my house? I shakingly turned the door handle and pushed open the door.

"M-mum?" I choked out. My heart began to beat faster when there was no response. I panned the dark room with my eyes cautiously.

"Mum?" I half whispered out again. My body began to shake with fear. My heart was beating out of my chest, and not in a good way. Not like the way it did when when I kissed Luke.


Through all my fear, I had forgotten he was still outside waiting for me. I began to panic again. Is he ok out there? Is he worried about me? What if he comes inside? I was knocked out of my trance by someone grabbing my arm.

I shook at the interruption of my thinking and let out a little gasp. I was too terrified to scream.

"Cara?" A soft voice spoke. A familiar soft, one that I soon recognized as my mother's. My tension released at her touch and I snapped my eyes to look at her, standing at my side. I couldn't make out any of her features because of the room's darkness.

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