Chapter 4: That Girl

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*Luke POV:*

The bell rang. I'd had a long day of classes, and I was so happy for the school year to finally be over. No more homework, no more waking up at dawn, and no more gals following me around from class to class asking me out on dates and trying to get me to "fall for them."

Sometimes I didn't like being famous. If only there was a girl who just wanted to know about me and know who I really was.

I was quite excited because my cousin Sam had invited me to come to her annual end of the year bonfire gathering she had. It was in another city, but not too far away. Only a short drive.

I haven't really talked to my cousin since year 2. I know she just wants me to come so she can show her friends that we're related, but hell, Why pass up a party? So I agreed to come at 7:00 and decided I was going to bring one of my best mates James with me because my brothers Jai and Beau were busy and I didn't want to be alone.

After class was over James and I decided to go chill at my house a bit before we left. We didn't really do much. Pretty much sat on Facebook and twitter until we had to leave.

At about 6:45, I threw on my tan trousers, a turquoise t-shirt, and my black vans.Then, I shook out my hair, threw on a grey snap back, and James and I headed out for Sam's.

After a short drive, We got to Sam's right on time. 7 o'clock. I felt like an idiot showing up so early, but oh well.

It didn't even matter that we were there right on time because it seemed like the party started a little bit early anyway. Music was blaring from the back of the house and you could smell the fire all ready burning.

It smelled so good. Like camping. That's the best smell.

James and I rounded the corner of the house to see a huge crowd of people. And there, in the middle of everybody, was my cousin Sam.

She was smashed. Completely hammered. Good one, Sam.

I went to let her know I was there.

"Why don't you go off to the kitchen and mingle a bit, yeh? I'll Be there in a minute." I waved James off whilst I talked to my cousin for a little while.

After a short conversation (there was no way I was going to sit there and talk to her when she was that drunk), I told Sam I was heading off to the kitchen,

"Bring me back a beeeer, please, Lukey?" she slurred.

Ewe. Lukey? we were family. That's messed up.

"Ok," I answered, even though it wasn't going to happen.

I walked into the kitchen through the back door and kind of sat there for about ten minutes. James went off. I Think he was just sitting on the couch in the other room, waiting for something fun to happen.

There were a few girls that approached me, but I wasn't interested. They just gave off that, "I'm going to make out with you and then never talk to you again" vibe. Trust me. I know that type.

So Instead of just sitting there, I decided to have some fun and see what would happen if I actually gave my cousin one more beer like she asked and maybe embarrass her a bit.

Evil. I know.

I'm not much of a drinker, but I grabbed a couple beers and started walking back outside to find Sam. It didn't take long to find her. She was the loudest one there.

When I looked at her, I noticed her pointing at me, screaming "THERE HE IS!" over and over. I looked to see who she was pointing me out to. And that's when I saw her.

A Janoskians Summer (Luke Brooks Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang