Chapter 6: Make a Move

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*Luke POV:*

Perfect. Now I can still make a move on Cara without her comparing James and I (I mean, I heard he's a good kisser. Who wants to compete with that?).

The dreadfully nerve wrecking activity ended with Sam playing tonsil tennis with some big brute.

I'm not surprised. At that point she was so drunk, she could throw up at any minute.

Whilst everyone laughed and talked about the game, James and I got up and walked over to Cara and Marty, who were still sitting on the ground. James took Marty and they headed back towards the kitchen.

I extended my hand with a smile to help Cara up.

I thought I was getting better and better at this whole "smooth" thing.

Oooh yeeah. Definitely.

Cara gripped around my hand with her soft delicate fingers and gradually pulled herself up.

"Why thank you, kind sir," she said with an odd accent and a fake curtsy.

I think she was trying to be English. Irish maybe? Either way, I didn't mind it. I thought it was adorable. She was adorable.

'Ok, Luke! She said something cute, now it's your turn! Come on! You can do it,' I thought.

After she was fully standing, I bowed and tried to mock her accent with a chuckle, "You're quite welcome m'lady!"

I chuckled and for a second. There was no noise from Cara. Did I do something wrong? Did she leave when I looked down? My chuckle faded at the thought.

I slowly lifted my head, still in bowing position, to see Cara still there slightly swaying back and forth. Her hands were cupped in front of her. Her bouncy red waves swayed along in sync with her hips and she was biting her lower lip with a smile. Phew.

There was a brilliant gleam in her eyes as she looked down at me. I instantly felt butterflies invade my stomach. It's such a sissy thing to say, but I'm not kidding.

I just stared into those amazing blue eyes. I could just sit there forever.

Eventually I stood straight, looked in Cara's direction, and with a grin, held out a bent arm. She gave a huge, beautiful smile and grasped my bicep.


I nodded and gave a cheeky smile. "Come, love! We must journey! To the kitchen!" I then pointed to the kitchen door with my free arm and saluted the air.

I don't know what got into me. I just suddenly felt so comfortable. It's like whenever I saw Cara's smile, I got this feeling that I had known this girl forever. This was it. I was going to officially make a move. This girl was the one for me.

*Cara POV:*

After the "game" was over, Marty and I sat on the ground, talking about random things. Then Luke came over to me and held out his hand with a beautiful smile.

Luke was so cute. I got butterflies in my stomach whenever he talked to me or smiled at me. I know it sounds flippin' nutso. I mean, I've only known the boy for what? 3 hours? But it was true.

I grabbed his warm hand and pulled myself up. Now it's time to say something flirty. First thing that came to my head:

"Thank you, Kind sir!" I fake curtsied. Really, Cara? That's all you could come up with? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Oh well. I must have said something right because he mimmicked me back.

He's so cute. It melted my heart. After a goofy conversation, he held out his arm and I grabbed his bicep. Jesus, he was strong.

We skipped cheerfully, arm and arm, through the kitchen and into the living room. I couldn't stop giggling as we plopped ourselves down on the olive coloured couch. Luke rested his chin on his fist and turned to me, smiling.

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