Chapter 8: Meeting the Family

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*Cara POV:*

I pulled up into the Brooks' driveway about a half an hour later. I took the keys out of the ignition and took a deep breath. I was ready for this.

I walked up to the door, bag in hand, and knocked 3 times. I was greeted by an older women. Not too old. Just parent age.

"Hi! You must be Cara! Luke hasn't shut up about you for days!" that made me giggle. "I'm Gina! The boys' mother!" She engulfed me in a huge hug and called upstairs:

"LUKE! CARA'S HERE! BEAU, JAI! COME MEET HER! SHE'S BEAUTIFUL!" I smiled so big at that comment. Gina was really sweet! Suddenly, a cheerful Luke and two other boys ran down the stairs.

"Hey!" Luke smiled his adorable smile and opened his arms to give me a hug. Before I could touch him, he was shoved over by one of the other boys. Suddenly, two strong arms grabbed my waist.

I was taken back a little bit by a huge hug and a head of scruffy hair tucked into my neck. After I got my balance back, I gladly hugged back.

"Hi." A muffled voice came from my neck, "I'm Jai. We're going to be best friends! You smell good!"

I giggled, still hugging Jai. "Thank you! You... Don't smell too bad yourself!" Jai backed away and smiled.

"Oi slut! Give me a turn! You're gonna scare her away!"

Another hug came my way. This one was a little shorter.

"Hi! I'm Beau. The oldest and most attractive of the bunch." Beau winked and I giggled again. I could tell I was going to have fun here.

"Nice to meet you, Beau!" I smiled. Finally, Luke made his way off of the ground. I looked into his chocolate eyes.

"Hey girly! I've missed you!" He gave me a big hug and I grinned. I never wanted to let go. He was so warm.

Suddenly, he put his hands on my shoulders and pushed back.

"Wait.... Was that creepy?" He questioned as everyone laughed out loud. That made him blush. So cute.

"No. Not at all!"

"Good!" Another long hug from Luke. I was in heaven.

"Ok," Jai started, "Now that you know all the Brooks, let's go put your bag in our room and head off to the beach!"

I nodded and followed Jai and Luke up to their room as Luke pulled on my arm. I set my bag down and pulled out my two swimmers, holding them up.

"Which one?"

"That one!" Jai said, pointing to my green fringed suit.

"No! That one!" Luke argued, pointing at my red sweet-heart bikini top.

I ruffled both of their hair, "All right, break it up you two! I'll just mix and match! Now get out! I have to change!"

*Luke POV:*

I got into my swim trunks and flopped onto the couch next to Jai and Beau. I was so excited for the weekend with Cara. Hopefully she'd see how much I liked her.

A chirpy voice came from the stairway. "Ok guys! Ready?" All three of our heads shot over to see Cara on the stairs. She had on the same outfit over her suit and she was holding a towel. Honestly, it didn't matter what she was wearing. She looked amazing.

"Yeh! Let's go!" Beau chimed.

We all kissed mum goodbye and walked out of the house. A short walk and we were there. We walked and talked about all sorts of things. We got there in a matter of minutes.

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