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Patricia stormed away from everyone. Her and her boyfriend, Luke, had just had another argument. Eddie was there to witness it. They were over each other, just friends.

Luke just rolled his eyes and began dancing with some brunette chick. "Yo America," Luke shouted as he continued dancing. "Go make sure that she's okay?" he asked.

"Dude, she's your girl, you go," Eddie retorted.

"Kinda busy and we just broke up. We all know we'll get back together tomorrow so while I'm single I wanna have some fun," Luke persisted.

"Fine," Eddie grumbled and walked away from the party and back to Patricia's place.

He didn't bother knocking because he knew she wouldn't answer but luck was on his side and the door was unlocked.

"Luke just leave," he heard Patricia scream from upstairs. He knew her house all too well.

"Hey Yacker, I've been sent to check on you," Eddie shouted up.

"Oh my god. He doesn't even do that himself. You leave as well," she screamed back but he could hear her sobbing uncontrollably.

"I'm coming up," he called as he slid off his shoes and walked upstairs.

He opened the door to her room. She was sitting on her bed with hankies scattered in the floor on one side. She still had her dress on my but her make-up was split between the pillows and her cheeks. He bit his lip at the sight. She was so vulnerable looking.

"Just get out," she tried to shout but it came as more of a whimper.

"I've been told you make sure you are okay and that you are not so I shall stay until you are okay," he nodded.

"Please just leave me. I'm being such a little girl," she cried.

"That would be because you are a girl and due to the fact I am quite a few inches taller than you I shall say you are a little girl at that," he stated.

She almost laughed at this, the key word being almost. He could still make her laugh, he hadn't actually changed much and neither had she. There was no reason why they broke up, they just sort of did.

"Eddie I'm serious. I don't like people seeing me cry," she whimpered.

"What about human forms of Egyptian gods, do they not get special treatment," he tried his luck.

"They probably would but since you're no longer one, you know Nina's number?"

"Ouch. No need to rub it in."

"You brought it up."

"Hey hey hey. At least I'm trying to cheer you up. I'm not the only one who seen you fight but I made the effort to make sure you're okay."

"Yes and it's because Luke told you to."

"No he asked me to because he had other things to take care of," he muttered.

"He's with that brunette isn't he," she chocked out. Eddie nodded. She collapsed onto her side and a new wave of tears came.

"You know it's okay to cry. You love him and he hurt you. Crying's only natural," Eddie whispered as he walked closer and sat on the corner of the bed.

"That's the worst part. I don't love him. I never did. I never will. He was just always there when I needed him. He was always so reliable and yeah we were complete opposite's but I didn't care because I was blinded," she trailed off and buried her face in a pillow.

"You've been trying for fifteen months, if you don't love him yet you probably never will. You'll find someone else," he smiled and wrapped an arm over her.

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