A-Z of Peddie

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This my a-z of everything Peddie. Partial fluff cause I love it so much.

A: they were always arguing. It made their relationship unique. It was the reason they loved each other so much. They could say stuff in the heat of the moment and neither would care about it the next day.

B: they had the exact same taste in bands. Sick Puppies. It was partially what brought them together in the first place.

C: they both hated Caroline Denby. She broke them up. She nearly killed them both. She felt no remorse doing this.

D: they both had a habit for destruction. Everywhere they went they would break something. It always ended in a heated make out session though.

E: She loved Eddie with all her heart. Her every waking thought was devoted to him now that the mysteries were gone. Her life revolved around that simple boy called Eddie.

F: they started out as frenemies. They hated each other but at the same time they were best friends. They were both slowing falling for the other.

G: they awakes liked to play games. Whether it was teasing games or serious games they were always in competition.

H: they hated the holidays at first. It just meant time apart. Now they are together and can cuddle all they want.

I: their love was indescribable. The feelings were indescribable. The emotional attachment they felt for one another was indescribable.

J: they always loved a good joke. They were constantly winding each other up and pulling pranks.

K: kiss. That first kiss. That day they both finally began to feel like they belonged. It all started with a simple kiss.

L: they most definitely loved each other. They were constantly saying it. It got annoying for their friends but they knew how quick someone could be taken from you. Look at Fabian and Nina. If anything ever happened they both wanted to know that they loved each other.

M: recently they had been discussing marriage. Sure they weren't getting married now but at some point they would, just to seal their eternal love.

N: they had taken to leaving each other small notes dotted around the room. They were cute and straight to the point but they meant the world to each other.

O: he was the Osirion. His life was supposed to be devoted to protecting Nina but that all changed when he met Patricia. His course was changed and now he would stop at nothing to ensure her safety.

P: he loved Patricia with all his heart. His every waking thought was devoted to her now that the mysteries were gone. His life revolved around that simple girl called Patricia.

Q: they were glad the quests were finished. Now they could focus on their relationship instead of worrying about if Patricia was going to hand Eddie in to Frobisher-Smythe.

R: this was their relationship. It was messed up and confused but it was just how they liked it.

S: if it wasn't for school, neither would feel the way they do now. School brought them together and it held them together in ways you cannot imagine.

T: they finally learned to trust each other. Though they suffered my trials and tribulations they got to grips with the whole trust aspect of relationships.

U: finally Patricia had been able to reveal what she was feeling underneath. After admitting her love that was them for all eternity.

V: they sometimes even missed Victor. The way they would sneak out to see each other after his infamous pin-drop speech added a sense of rebellion to their relationship.

W: he was her Weaselface. He would always be her Weaselface. No matter they faced her, Weaselface would be there waiting for her.

X: they had taken up a mutual hobby xylophone. They say up till all hours in the morning playing on this childish toy.

Y: she was his Yacker. She would always be his Yacker. No matter they faced his Yacker would be there waiting for him.

Z: Zeno, Rofus Zeno. He had never came back but Patricia still had nightmares about him but this just gave Eddie an excuse to cuddle her even more.

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