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She was all grown up. She had married a successful business man. They had a three year old son. His name was Eddie. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't forget about that boy. Her husband didn't know about her first love therefore had no objections to the name.

He was all grown up. He has married a pretty blonde woman. They had a three year old daughter. Her name was Patricia. No matter how hard he tries, he couldn't forget about that girl. His wife didn't know about his first love therefore had to objections to the name.

"Edison darling, my boss has invited us to his house for dinner tonight with him and his wife," Julie, Eddie wife called as she arrived home from work. "We have to bring Patricia, they have a son for her to play with," she continued. There was no hello kiss. He really did like his wife but he never loved her the same way he loved his Yacker.

"Patty honey, I've invited one of my staff and her husband to dinner tonight. They have a daughter the same age at Eddie so I. Told them to bring her to he will have some company," John, Patricia's husband, smiled walking into the kitchen. There was no questions about how her day was, no hug after all these hours apart. She cared for John, just not the way she loved her Weasel.

He wondered if it would have been different. Would they have been living this simple life together? Would Patricia kiss him when she arrived home? Would she tell him how much she loved him? It was wrong of him to think this. Patricia could have been living on the other side of the world for all he knew.

She imagined if they had been sent to separate colleges. Would he be the one arriving home after a long day at the office? Would he come in and ask her about her day? Would he come and hug her tightly and say how much he missed her? She knew it wasn't right to think of him, she was married but her mind so often drifted back to that American boy to whom her her still belonged.

He fixed his tie. "Edison," Julie groaned, re-doing his tie. Patricia wouldn't have made him wear a tie. She would have laughed at suggestion. She wouldn't have forced him to go to this dinner, she would have objected with him.

"You aren't seriously wearing that, are you?" John questioned as Patricia walked down the stairs. "No I just put this in to make the dinner," she sighed. She was never good enough for him. Eddie would have loved her anyway. Eddie would have told her she could wear a bag and still looked beautiful.

After making dinner and changing into a rather revealing black dress which John approves of he was opening the doors to their guests for this evening. Patricia was standing at the table, ready to our out glasses of red wine. "This is Patricia," she heard a nasally voice say before the young girl was ushered off to okay with Eddie. "How wonderful, your daughter shares the same name as my wife," John laughed and escorted them into the dining room.

Eddie heart sunk. He wished he was married to a girl called Patricia. He thought it was good to name his daughter after her but now if just kept getting harder being apart from her.

The three of them walked into the dining room just as John's wife walked into the kitchen. His heart was beating faster. Her red hair reminded him so much of his own Patricia. He couldn't even call her his Patricia now. It had been 10 years since they last saw each other.

She thought of young Eddie playing with Patricia. She wished it was her and her Yacker's children. The worst part was that he wasn't even her Yacker. They hadn't spoken in 10 years.

She walked back into the room, a bottle if red wine in hand. He couldn't take it. She just had so much in common with his ex-Yacker. "Excuse me," he said before running off to the bathroom just as Patricia lifted her head. He shared the sane dirty blonde colour of her as her ex-Weasel. She poured out four glasses then sat down, hiding her face so her husband and his colleague didn't see the distress.

He sat in the bathroom restraining the tears that were threatening to spill. These days it was not uncommon for him to cry about his lost love. He took a few deep breaths before walking back out to the table. Julie glared at him sternly, not noticing the hurt in his face. She would have noticed.

"So Edison, what is it you do?" John asked him. Patricia's ears pricked up. She slowly raised her head and her eyes met with the boy sitting across from her. "I work-" he stopped mid-sentence after seeing those beautiful green eyes of hers. She looked at him pleadingly, looking for some sign of their love. The last thing he had said was that he would live her forever. She wanted to believe this was still true.

Julie kicked him under the table. "I work in social services. I help children and parents of both genders who are abused," he stated before turning back to his food.

The rest of the dinner was casual chit-chat between John and Julie. Patricia and Eddie sat silently, casually sneaking glances at each other. When dessert was served and the topic switched to their work Patricia offered to started with the dishes. "I'll go help," Eddie added, "I'll leave you to discuss business." Quickly he got up from the table and went into the kitchen.

They looked qt each other for a second before running into each others arms. "I love you," they both said simultaneously. It was wrong but they didn't care, it felt more right than anything they ever did with their respective spouses.

The next morning Patricia woke up to see John already out of bed. After last night she knew what she had to do. "John I want a divorce," she said confidently walking into the living room. All this time she had been lying to resend saying she was happy with John. Last night in that short embrace with Eddie she realised how horrible her life was. "Party, you can't do this," he pleaded. "John I'm not happy here. I don't love you. I never did. I don't want to keep pretending," she called before going upstairs. She got her already packed suitcase and took Eddie and left. She would get custody anyway, John wouldn't fight for it.

Eddie woke up to see Julie snoring beside him. He went up the lift and got down two bags. One he packed with his stuff and the other with Patricia's. he wasn't going to leave her behind. Julie wouldn't want custody anyway. She couldn't hold down a job and take care of their daughter. Eddie was going to fight for his Yacker. "Julie," he shook her awake, "I want a divorce." "Edison, whatever it is we can work it out," he begged, on the brink of tears. "I don't love you though. I'm sick of being unhappy here and not going after my dreams. Honestly it's not you, it's me and my heart." She nodded. "Take Patricia, you're a better parent than I'll ever be," she added. He nodded and thanked her before taking their daughter and leaving.

She called a taxi. "Anubis House at Frobisher Academy please," Patricia told the driver before snuggling up with her son in the back. She just wanted to go back to this place once more. To retrace the steps her and weasel had taken do many times.

He started the car and was on his way back to Anubis. He would find a home for him and Patricia but for now hero go back to these memories. They were the best days of his life.

Her taxi stopped and she paid the man. She took Eddie and led him into the gardens of the house. "This is where mummy went to school," she explained. He ran up to the door and opened it slowly before running inside. She saw his shadow in the living room.

The door slowly opened. And she ran up to protect her son from whatever was in the house. "Yacker?" that all to familiar accent called from the doorway. "Weasel," she replied before jumping into his arms. "You came back," she cried into his shirt.

Six months later they were married. Eddie and Patricia were accompanied by their children. "Can we call this one Destiny?" he asked patting the small bump on her stomach. "It was destiny that brought us together," she smiled. He nodded.


This ones pretty long-winded but I really enjoyed writing it. Hopefully you guys enjoy reading it. If you have any problems understanding how its written inbox me or comment and I'll explain the best I can. Remember to follow, vote and comment.

Sibuna !

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