Leaving my Love?

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This was it. The last day at Frobisher Academy. Soon me and Eddie would be parting ways. He couldn't get into a college here so he had found one near his mum in America. His flight was at eight o'clock tonight. It didn't exactly leave us much time but I was happy enough for those few hours.

After the long and emotional goodbyes at the school, I got into the taxi with him. His arms immediately went around me and I nuzzled into his chest.

This was not us at all but the fact he was leaving for what would supposedly be the next eight months, I couldn't deal with it. I'd told him I loved him so he knew I wouldn't forget him.

We were going to make it work. Long-distance would be hard but it's better than not being able to call him mine at all. I didn't know how I was going to cope without his constant sly remarks and offhand compliments. I would miss sitting listening to music with him or having him chase me round the Forrest.

I sighed as he stood up. "Flight EZLA801 to Los Angeles is now calling for final boarders. Please make your way to hate 7," the woman on the speakers called. He looked at me. I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly. He pressed his lisp to mine.

"I love you. I'll be back before you know it," he murmured but I could hear the distress in his voice. "At least I've got you to help me with my classes," he laughed attempting to lighten the situation. We were both going to study teaching so it would have been amazing if we could stay here together. "Between us we'll breeze through this course," I laughed but I was so half-hearted and fake.

I kissed him once more and told him I loved him before he handed over his boarding pass and make his way down the tunnel. "I love you," he mouthed just before the door slammed.

This was it. I couldn't contain the tears. The woman who had shut the door looked at me sympathetically but I didn't want her sympathy. I was Patricia Williamson. I didn't need other people. The thing was though Eddie wasn't another person- he was the other half of me.

That night I sat curled up on my bed. I was video chatting with Eddie while his flight was stopped in Boston. He'd been stuck on that plane for seven hours. We had agreed to video chat now but I think it just made me miss him more. He was walking down a corridor which I assumed was to the lounge.

"I miss you Yacker," he said and I could see the sorrow in his eyes. "I miss you too Weasel," I replied equally as sad. The bell for my apartment rang but I took no notice, I was busy talking to my boyfriend. It rang again. "Just go answer it Yacker, I'll still be here when you get back," he said and I sighed standing up. I took my phone with me so we could continue our conversation.

With one hand I unbolted the door and got the key, turning it until I heard the all too familiar click. What I saw was completely unexpected.

"Hey Yacker," he smirked. My phone fell from my hands and I just clutched onto him. The two of us fell onto the floor of my apartment just savouring these moments. He sat crossed legged while my legs were wrapped around his waist as we held each other impossibly close.

"I though..." I was cut off by his lips. "I was on the plane and they were saying last calls and I was about to phone you but my dad phoned. He'd just received an email saying there was an error and I had in fact been accepted into Liverpool College," he beamed proudly. "Does this mean?" I asked cautiously. "I'm staying," he smiled and I cried again.

That night he stayed at mine. We slept in each others arms, afraid that if they let go he would be taken away again. Neither of us had ever been happier.


A/N just want to thank you all for reading these one shots. I've received some really nice messages which mean a lot to me. There should be at least another two one shots up tonight's.

I also want to apologise for any spelling/grammatical errors. I'm not exactly properly proof reading at the moment as I just want to get these posted. Soon I will proof read and get it all sorted. Apologise for the state of my writing just now.


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