Better Off Without You- Part 2

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"So how's life been treating you two lately?" Mick asked Willow and Patricia kindly. Mick was a lovely guy, Patricia could definitely see him and Willow getting together.

"Brilliant actually. I just got promoted. Big pay rise," Willow squeaked.

"I dumped Ben last week then I actually bumped into Eddie today. His new girlfriend reminds me of you so much," Patricia laughed to Willow. "She's so perky and sweet," she continued smiling.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry," Willow rubbed her arm.

"I don't care. I got over that guy a long time ago," she shrugged. She did genuinely believe she was over him. When she met them today, she didn't feel jealous or anxious or anything. "What about you Mick?"

"Life's been brilliant. The manager is brilliant to us. I still can't believe I made pro," he beamed.

"We all knew you would," Patricia smiled supportively but Mick was too busy staring at Willow to acknowledge her kind words.

It was funny how although these two were complete opposites in a way they were perfect for each other, just like Jerome and Joy or Amber and Alfie. It was the opposites attract type thing in this house, well for the couples that lasted. Patricia and Eddie were mental twins but their relationship failed and although Fabian was back with Nina, it was their similarities that drove them apart in the first place. Patricia felt like she was better off without Eddie anyway.


Eddie sat on the couch with Isabella curled into him. He loved Isabella but something kept making his mind drift back to that red headed girl from all those years ago. She had walked into his life today and left without a trace. She had left him longing to speak to her again.

He looked down at the girl before him. She looked so beautiful as she watched the screen in front of her. They had been together for three years now. Sure there was a massive age gap but it didn't matter.

He looked around the living room of their apartment, this was so not him. He would admit he had changed for Isabella but only because he loved to see her smile.

He brought out his phone and looked at the contact named Yacker. It was Patricia's number in it, not Isabella's. Maybe he should feel guilty about doing that as Yacker was his affectionate name for his girlfriend but Patricia was the original Yacker. He had tried so hard today just to remember her name was actually Patricia and not Yacker.

She didn't look hurt when she heard that his new girlfriend was nicknamed Yacker. She didn't look anything but devious. She only elaborated on it to make him panic, there was nothing more to it and for some reason that upset him. He wanted her to feel jealous. He wanted her to feel how he felt when she said Mick was a nice guy. He wanted to feel how he felt when he thought she was with Ben. He wanted her to feel the hurt than had burst through his body. He put his phone away and decided that he was better of without her.

"I love you boo," Isabella spoke up from her place on his lap.

"I love you too," he replied. He meant it. He did love her but that was the moment that he realised that hearing her say it didn't make his hair stand up on his back the way it did when Patricia said it. It didn't make him go weak in the knees. It didn't make him feel like if he died there and then he would die happy, safe in the knowledge that she loved. It didn't pass from his ears sending joy all through his body. It didn't make his heart swell in content. I didn't do anything. It had become routine to say it back.

When he thought about it, he was never the first to say it. She always said it and he replied. He never spontaneously told her just how much she meant to him. He never loved her like he did with Patricia.

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