The bus driver still stood. Ass wipe's back still faced me. Dirty blonde hair captured around the nape of his neck. He was waiting for an excuse. "What's the matter Ace? Afraid of the truth are we?"

"That's enough Mr Carson!"

My eyes turned to slits. To think he'd have the nerve to even utter her name. She was a human being, not some prize to hold over my head.

"The only way you'd manage to ever get in her pants is if you were a necrophiliac and she was a fuckin' corpse," I seethed.

Blake went to either face or maul me, but before any of that was done, Mr. Shale arrived.

"Alright you two, act like adults and not children. Go to your classes and try not skin each other!" Instead of sounding angry, Mr Shale sounded a bit fed up with it and realized this probably was going to last all year.

Back still facing me, Blake left without another word while ignoring Shale's presence. "Mr Valentino could you please...." He gestured for me to leave, which I did shortly after.

I mentally thanked God I didn't have to head to his office to have a talk about our behavior. The day carried on which meant no Snake Carson.

Marcus and I never crossed paths nor did Tony and I.

Finally someone I knew came in to my B3 class. It was Alyssa who looked shocked I had been placed in Modern Global Advanced.

People gave me curious looks and whispers, identifying as a dead giveaway the whole Bus situation got out. Bastard.

"You sure know how to make a name for yourself in this school," she joked. Her book bag plopped right next to me.

"What would you do if a girl claimed to have slept with Tony?" I genuinely wanted to know.

His leather jacket was draped over her shoulders once again. The design on the back was covered by her unruly mane.

"I would go to my burger head boyfriend first, genius," she stated matter-of-factly.

"How am I supposed to ask her? Hey Willow did you possibly happen to have a fling with a stupid ass idiot jock that may be threatening my reputation? Not to mention the fact that her reputation has already been diminished somehow." I felt like going on a rant even though my words were hushed.

Alyssa looked like she didn't know whether to laugh or view me as a crazy person for freaking out over basically nothing.

"Look here, I think it's best you go to Willow with all of this no matter what the consequences. Personally, I could never see her doing something like that with a person like him. If you really want to develop some corny ass bond with her, You need to develop trust and take her word over a manwhore's, that's step one right there."

I nodded my head in understanding. Her words calmed me down exceedingly, "Yeah I guess you're right."

Then another question came to mind, "What was it you two talked about at the cookout anyway?"

She scoffed, "You're getting a little ahead of yourself bestie."

I chuckled at her humor, to which she joined too. Another thought came to mind, "I also have something else to ask?"

The Boy with Bad HabitsWhere stories live. Discover now