Chapter Twenty Nine : "Jacksonville"

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 Dad is here? I really wanna see him right now. "You're gonna stay here Ben , we'll just fix your room and you're free to roam the ship" Karen then said and looked at me and then left the harnessing room.

 "Okay" the controlled side of me replied.

 I tried to reason out with the rest of my body, trying to regain control. I got up and slowly walked towards the door.

 "Where are you going?" I turned around and saw one of the harnessed kids looking at me. I was able to regain control of my body for just a few moment and now I can feel the other side trying to break in , trying to gain control.

 "Nothing" I said and then sat back on the table. I wish I could see them , let them know that I'm still here even though I'm harnessed again.


Tom's P.O.V

 "Where's Ben and Matt?" I asked Karen as soon as she walked inside the room. "You'll see them soon Tom" she said and then turned to Hal.

 "I missed you Hal" she said.

 "Get away from him!" I told her and then a skitter with the electrical scepter came in, "Now we're gonna have a conversation" she then said and then got the scepter and walked towards me.

 "I'm gonna ask you a series of questions Tom and your answers will determine the fate of your family and friends" she said while looking at the others.

 "Tell me what is the purpose of the Volm Weapon" she said and then pointed the scepter at Maggie. "I won't tell you" I replied.

 "Are you sure you don't?" she asked and then activated it.

 "Don't tell her Mr. Mason" Maggie said and then looked at me. Karen then struck her and she screamed in pain.

 "No!!" Hal shouted

 "Dad please" he then pleaded to me.

 "Okay I'm gonna tell you" I told Karen even though I'm not sure if I should , everything that we've been working for is on the line because of this.

 "Really? I didn't expect you to give in that easily" she said and then struck her one more time.  "Karen don't .. please stop it" I said and so she did.

 "Fine .. then tell me" she said and pointed the scepter at Hal.    


Hal's P.O.V

 I wish there is something I can do to break free from these chains. I looked at Dad and saw how worried he is.

 "The Volm Weapon will be used to call out the rest of their troops" he said.

 "Liar!!" Karen shrieked and struck me with the scepter. I felt the most pain in my entire life, maybe a minute more and I won't be able to breathe anymore.

 "Stop it!!" Jeanne shouted and then Karen turned to her.

 "Oh God no , please not her" I thought to myself , Jeanne could die from the pain.

 "What did you say?" Karen asked and then Jeanne spitted on her. "You are one worthless piece of sh*t" she told Karen and then Jeanne got struck with the scepter. Her screams of pain is enough to break our hearts.

 "Okay, I'll tell you what it really is for" Dad said , I looked at him and knew that he has no choice. He's going to tell Karen everything or else we'll all die.

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