Chapter 32

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Author's note - Sorry for late update you guys but here it is hope you like it.

{-Harry POV-}

"Niall you didn't have to text me this morning you could of knocked on my door and said Harry make me some breakfast."I sarcastically said flipping a couple pancakes on the pan.

"I didn't wanna walk to your room I had my phone by my side and it was easier to just text you one or two times to wake you up."Niall explained having an excuse of waking me up in the morning to cook breakfast for him.

How selfish of him.But he sure loves to eat.

"Lazy ass."I said under my breath lying the pancakes on his plate.

"What'd you say Harry?"He asked.

"Nothing."I turned around putting on my cheeky smile and giving him his plate whislt I got myself a cup of coffee that I brewed from the coffee maker I did earlier while cooking Niall's breakfast.

"Anyway how was it last night without me and the lads?"Niall asked pouring syrup all over his pancakes.

"Ummm..."I said taking a seat across from Niall.

"Well uh.. Annabelle and I went to a restaurant for my celebration,sorry I didn't come with you guys to the club it must of been fun."I lied feeling guilty saying those words to little Nialler.

"Umm..yeah you could say that."Niall chuckled cutting his pancakes.

"The lads and I had a..."I ignored Niall not wanting to hear about how much fun they had at the club.This morning I was exhausted and didn't really much had the nerve to move my legs nor my arms which was hardly weird especially what happened last night.

I didn't know that Annabelle and I had sex last night until I saw clothes scattered all over the floor this morning.

To be honest I was glad Niall didn't knock on my door this morning if he did and try to wake me up he wouldn't be surprise seeing Annabelle beside me who was naked.

I wonder what Niall's reaction would be when he saw the clothes on the floor.It'll be quite awkward and he would just walk out of the room just speechless.

It would be too much for Niall but he has a girlfriend so it'd be okay for him a little.

I'm glad it wasn't Liam who came in my room because he would just evily scowl at me for a whole minute and I'll just get scared to death,he would kill me.

But really last night was proably like the best night of my life it's like I haven't felt so alive.

"Harry are you even listening?"Niall asked half eating and talking to me at the same time.

I shook the thought putting it by the side nodding my head and taking a sip from my cup.

"I knew I smelled bacon in here."Zayn said coming into the kitchen with a messy hair and droopy eyes.

"What's up with you Mr.Sleepy head did you be an up all nighter last night?"I asked.

"Yeah kind of I couldn't sleep and I had a headache."Zayn groaned rubbing his eye socket opening the cabinet grabbing a mug.

"Did you drink to much last night?"I questioned.

"Yup he sure did,Zayn had like 2 shots and a beer."Liam answered coming in the kitchen taking the last bacon out of Niall's plate.

"Hey that was mine!"Niall whined pouting.

"You still got pancakes and some eggs you'll survive."Zayn chuckle chugging on down his glass of milk.

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