Chapter 12

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{~Harry POV~}

I couldn't resist myself, our eyes were locked, heart pounding, and I couldn't resist how her cheeks were chubby and bubbly, her light chocolate eyes were impossible to resist and her smooth perfect lips were irresistible. I knew this would be the moment, and I've been waiting for this day to come so I had no choice but to just crash my lips onto Annabelle. 

I was falling back wanting to take a breath, but it seems like Annabelle was enjoying the kiss for some reason, so she kissed back not letting me go, I was definitely enjoying this.

-{Annabelle POV}-

I kissed back not letting Harry fall back taking a breath, I closed my eyes and out of nowhere Louis face popped into my head with his cute smile while he laughs and his light green eyes that look kind of related to Harry's.

I quickly pulled back, why did Louis pop into my head out of nowhere?

Why would the image of him come out of nowhere while I was kissing Harry? Does this mean something, a sign...?

We were staring at each other that was an awkward moment, Harry had a serious face he gazed down at his hands that was place on his lap, while I, on the other hand had a really confused face.

"Harry do you-" I nervously said muttering to myself not gazing into his eyes.

"Before you say anything Annabelle, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I did that I truly am." Harry said while cutting my sentence while he cussed under his breath.

"Its okay, Harry." I said, not making him worry about it to much.

"I'm sorry." I muttered to myself gazing up at him.

"For what?" He asked, confusion written all over his face.

"For leaving you." I said as tears started flooding in my eyes making my sight blurry and watery, I was choking up the words, I can't believe I was crying in front of Harry.

Harry saw the warm tears falling down my cheek, he wiped it away with his thumb. "Annabelle that was the past, and the past stays there." He said in a worried tone.

I nodded in agreement. 

"Let's pretend that kiss never happened okay." Harry said, as we stood up apart from each other.

He continued, "We'll sleep over there at the electronics instead." He pointed as we strolled over there, as I sat on the chair besides Harry. He left for a few minutes, Harry finally came back with a Snuggie to keep us warm.

We didn't say anything after that, til I heard Harry snoring I tilted my head on his shoulder.


"Uh.." I heard a voice say from a distant, and the lights were on.

I opened my eyes, with a teenager about our age with blonde hair wearing a red vest, with a name tag. He must of worked at K-Mart.

I quickly snapped my head and saw that the store was open, that means we can get out of this store. 

I shook Harry's shoulder, making him wake up.

"Liam close the lights its too early." Harry said to himself, his eyes still closed. My god this guy is so stubborn, I rolled my eyes I bet Liam does this every morning.

"Styles wake up the store is open, get up." I yelled at his ear, as he jumped up his curls were messy but still perfect.

"Are you Harry Styles from One Direction?" The blonde hair dude said, looking at us with a weird expression.

Affection // H.S.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ