Chapter 4

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-{Annabelle POV}-

"H-Harry."I quiver in a shaky voice. Sweat appeared on my palm.

I couldn't catch my breath, this all happen to sudden. I black out feeling the warmth of two arms wrapped around my waist.

{~Harry POV~}

"Sorry I bumped-" A posh British accent came out of this girl's mouth that sounded awfully familiar.

This brunette girl bumped against my chest and taking a step back apoligizing in a well-manner way.

When she lift her head revealing her pale white face, light brown chocolate eyes, and smooth plump lips. My heart increase rapidly, this brunette girl I stood next to this whole time was Annabelle the girl who ran away from me. She drop her jaw, in utter shock of my apperance."H-Harry." She gasp when her eyelids close. Annabelle small delicate body falling..

I quickly caught her waist. Great, she faint. I look around hoping no one saw what happen just now. Good thing that this area is deserted in the middle of the night.

What should I do with Annabelle? Leave her like this, and pretend that nothing happen? Take her with me, so I can talk to her? I had no clue what to do at this very moment, first I made a wish of seeing Annabelle again and my wish comes true and this whole time she stood beside me.

I tug the end of my curls pondering what I should do with Annabelle.

I can't leave Annabelle wander off in this time of night. Dosen't she know the dangers that occur in these countries in Europe? She's still clueless as usual since I met her.

I shook my head overthinking to much of those movies such as random guys kidnapping tourist girls and rape her like that movie 'Taken'. I sigh, holding Annabelle in my arms. Her apperance has change such as her dyed brunette hair. The last time I saw her it was dark blakc.

Having no other choice, carry Annabelle body in a bridal style with her arm wrap around my neck, and started walking back to the hotel hoping the other lads won't scream at what I have done just now.

-{Annabelle POV}-

I woke up from the sound of loud mumbling, it must be Liz on the phone or something. I groan pulling the duvet over my head not wanting to hear noises distracting my slumber.

"I can't believe Annabelle is here in Italy."

"Can't believe Haz took him back to the hotel."

I suddenly flip the duvet out of my face, and spot three familiar faces standing in different areas of the room except one.

Yes, it was One Direction.

It wasn't a nightmare nor dream at all it was a real! I can not believe I bumped into Harry last night at the water fountain.

"Where am I?" I ask turning my head looking around which seems like a hotel room.

"Your at a hotel. Annabelle you were unconsciousness and Harry drag you here." Liam slightly smile.

"Umm.. uh I did." I asked nervously biting my lower lip, waiting for his reply back.

"Annabelle is awake?"A Irish voice heard from another room.

"Yup mate she's awake." Louis said giving me a gesture smile, it made me wanna burst into tears.

"ANNABELLE I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" The little Irish blonde leprechaun yelled running towards me embracing me in a Horan hug, that I desperatly miss.

A tear trickle down my cheek, I missed them so much, especially my buddy Niall.

I smile wiping away the shed tears on my cheek.

He stood up." You've been gone for so long I thought I've never see you again the lads always tease me." Niall pout.

A quick kiss on the cheek from the bubbly guy is what he needed. I love Niall because of his height and outgoing personality. I love all of them as a family but not as my feelings for Harry.

Speaking of Harry, "Where's Harry?"I ask curiously looking around the room hoping to find a curly hair.

"He went out to get some food, he said he'll be back in a bit." Liam chuckle, always the mature and Daddy Direction in the band.

After a awkward silence in the room,

I stood up getting out of the duvet stretching out my muscles and realize that I was still wearing the same clothing since yesterday when I hung out with Liz.

Speaking of Liz. I forgot.

Liz oh my gosh I can't believe I left her yesterday, she must be worried sick about my sudden disapperance. I buried my face, "Guys e..err I gotta go, my friend must be worried sick about me right now. She might call the police and have a search party." I groan in frustration.

I didn't have the guts to even face Harry it would be awkard between us, I didn't know if I should hang out with the boys and face talking to Harry or just leave not saying a word and disappear out of thin air.

It was the past right? Harry wouldn't remember a thing about it.

No he wouldn't forget at all. I'm the girl who rejected a proposal from a heartbroken man and besides practically he recognized me when we were both at the fountain last night from those daring green eyes and sly smirk across his face absolutely positive that he recognized me and knew it was me, Annabelle Simpson.

"Hey love are you okay you seem a bit off?"Louis ask curiosity sprawl across a his face.

"I'm okay."I plastered a smile across my face knowing that everything is okay even though its perfectly not.

Lou sat down on the bed patting it on the side saying I should sit next to him giving 'the talk' from what I assume.

Back then when Harry and I were together having our ups and downs as a rollercoaster. Louis always did what he called 'the talk' with me whenever Harry and I got into a fight, always spending more time with me than his band. I hate remembering the past such as the bad events that occur back them.

I thought daddy direction does this type of talking but it seems like Louis does the talking with me because he knows Harry more because they're close together and being Larry Stylinson and everything.

Looking at the other boys in the room. All of them were pretty occupied such as laying on the telly watching what was on, and flipping through channels, Niall of course was shoving chips into his mouth. What a fat ass.

"I know this is like a coincidence that you ended up bumping into Harry during your vacation here in Italy from what I suppose, and that was the past, so mostly the past is the past that's it." Louis said smiling at me, as I sat there knowing that this seem weird well to me.

I nod.

"Thanks Lou, I'm really sorry that I left you guys and didn't say a word." I said gazing down at the ground with a frown on my face, I feel ashame of myself.

"It's okay, Annabelle. You were young. Well all of us were so none of us expect it." Louis chuckle.

"Uh.. I better go." I slip in my shoes about to head out the door until Louis stopped me.

"Where are you going your just not gonna leave and disappear not saying a word to Harry." Wide eyes appear waiting for my response back. The boys didn't want me to just leave out of thin air and not come back anymore like last time, I didn't know what to do.

"Louis I'm not gonna do that I promise I'll come back."

"How about later we can all go out somewhere or something my treat."

"Sure." I said smiling while getting one of the Tomlinson's hugs that I missed all these years.

Sorry short chappie I'll make it longer in the next one kay:) Comment, vote and give me feedback thxs it would mean a lot.

~iluv_london xx

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