Chapter 30

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I'm sorry I haven't been updating on this book for so long but I'm gonna work on this book a lot this summer so hope you guys read it and hope you like this chappie too thank you xx

*{Elizabeth POV}*

"One mocha for Liam,a frappe for Louis,one cappuccino for Harry,another mocha for Zayn,and a cappuccino for me."I said aloud while I was giving the boys their coffee that they kept on whining about when were heading to the studio.

Don't get me wrong but being the only girl without Annabelle in the van with 5 boys is nerve-wrecking.

They practically gave me a headache the whole way just jabbering about Twitter while I put on my headphones pretending I'm listening to music.I was mostly resting my head on Niall's shoulder the whole way there.

"Liz are you gonna get in the van or are we gonna leave you hanging here in the coffee shop?"Niall smiled making me shake my head.

"I gotta throw away this cardboard cup holders first."I said pointing at the trash bin that was under a Maple tree.

I quickly threw the cardboard cup holders and stumbled inside the van sitting next to Nialler who was focused on his phone scrolling down his screen of tweets from what I can tell.

I rested my head on Niall's shoulder again holding my warm cappuccino on my lap.

"Tired?"Niall asked.

I nodded,"Yeah just a bit dizzy from all your jabbering that's all."

"Sorry about that Liz well at least they're quiet because they finally got their coffee."Niall chuckled making me giggle.

He was right though,the boys did get quite.Harry was on his phone drinking his cappuccino whistled the other lads just quietly drinking through their cups and having small talks except for Zayn who was sitting next to Niall because the van was a 3 seater in a row.

Zayn here was just looking out the window with his elbow down.He looked very quite and didn't talk much all the way here.He must be deep in his thoughts.I wonder what's he's thinking?

Ever since the 'break-up' he've been quite social a bit and always in bed depressed by what happened.I remember the boys couldn't get the Bradford boy up because of his depression over Perrie.But recently after his birthday he've been coming out of his shell by talking to us more and the boys.

Zayn is still quite but he've been talking more than before which is a good thing.


"We're here."Liam said opening the van door.

Niall was about to leave but I took a hold of his hand.

"Niall what if the paps saw me with you guys?"I asked biting my bottom lip.

If the paps saw me they would be spreading rumors the next day saying nasty stuff about me being with Niall and saying I was only dating him because of his money.That's what most rumors of celebrities say and that isn't true about me I truly love Niall with all my heart.

"They're not besides we went through the back of the studio mostly the paps and fans are in the front.Don't worry Liz I'll be your side."Niall said gripping my hand.

"Here wear this snap-back of mine okay."Niall said putting the snap-back on my head making me smile by the fact.

"Let's go."Niall said holding my hands as we climbed out of the van with Paul supervising us and leading us through the door and closing it behide us.

"See that wasn't so bad right?I know that you don't want to take our relationship to the public and I know that.If you ever want to make it in public then I'll agree with it no matter what.Liz those nasty and stupid rumors of those celebrities cheating on one another are all shit and all you gotta do is ignore it.I'll never to do that to you it's like that rumor of how Perrie was cheating on Zayn over another guy.Well that rumor of them were a long time ago when they were really together but they aren't anymore.Do you get my point Liz?"Niall asked holding my shoulder.

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