Chapter 6

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-{Annabelle POV}-

"Oww, do you got any Tylenol?" Liz asked, as she walked into my room with her hand in her forehead rubbing her template in circles making the headache go away. She looked half awake and half asleep by how her eyes were mostly closed a little. When I first saw her walk in I looked at her face and saw how pale and sweaty her face was. She wore the same clothes last night when we went to that club with the boys.

I sighed, getting off of bed putting my mac laptop on the side. I rolled my eyes by the fact as I walked into the bathroom rummaging through my little bag where I put all my bathroom related items. I finally got the little bottle of Tylenol I shaked it knowing if their was anymore, and going into the little cabinet getting the bottled water

I walked back to the room, with Liz on the bed watching what was on tv and was still rubbing her head in circles. I groaned taking the remote and turning it off, I sat beside her.

"Hey! I was watching that." Liz yelled a little.

I rolled my eyes, "Liz you shouldn't be watching tv with a mild" I said as I handed her the Tylenol and the bottle of water.

She took two Tylenol and gulped the water after that, "That feels better thanks Ann." Liz said, giving me a smile. I gave a smile back, I always come in handy sometimes I knew that Liz might party maybe and I bringed Tylenol just in case if she had a headache the next morning or something.

"No problem, from what I can tell you must have fun last night and having a long conversation with Niall." I teased poking her arm, making Liz blush a little.

"Mostly having a drunk conversation to me." Liz said.

I laughed.


""Harry can we be friends?" I said feeling a little awkward about this, I waited for a reply back staring at Harry for a moment.

He smiled, "Of course we can." Harry said giving me a genuine smile.

"Thanks." Was all I can say, I looked down at the narrow river for a short moment til Harry spoke.

"Uh.. err,.. so when are you leaving Italy?" Harry asked curiously looking anxious.

I bit my lower lip, "Tomorrow Liz and I are gonna go to London at Cheshire so I can see my family and everyone else." I said lying, I haven't seen my mother nor my step-father whom I barely liked, ever since we still keep in touch by calling and skyping some time but I never got the chance to see them face to face since.

"Oh cool, the lads and I gonna go back to London too tomorrow to start on our new album and write new songs." Harry said smiling, til his phone beeped that must of been a text maybe from the boys.

Harry took out his phone, with the bright screen in front of his face making me see his gorgeous eyes that were covered from the dark. He suddenly turned it off shoving it to him jacket pocket glancing at me, "Liam texted saying everyone is drunk and going crazy in the club especially Niall who is shoving food in his mouth." Harry said, as we left the bridge walking back to the club.

I chuckled, "Of course Nialler would be eating."

[End of Flashback]

"Okay I got one question to ask you Ann?" Liz asked as we were waiting for our flight to go to London, we were with the boys now waiting for our flight to be called, we were sitting by the chairs with the luggages by our side with the boys somewhere here in the airport, I bet they were getting snacks.

I snapped my head, "Sure what is it?" I asked curiously with a furrow brow.

"Why are we going to London?" She asked with all sorts of confusion, while she whispered into my ear.

Affection // H.S.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora