Chapter 10

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-{Annabelle POV}-

"So your not gonna tell me what happened earlier?" I asked Harry as we were driving through the neighborhood heading towards town. I can't believe I'm asking Harry about this, I didn't want it to be obvious that I heard his conversation with Gemma back there. 

His grip on the steering was clenching hard on the stirring wheel, I saw his veins that must of been anger, so I decided to blow it off not saying anything now that Harry must of been pissed now. When I looked at Harry his lips were pressed together with a angry expression, he never layed one single glance at me since we left the house, his eyes were mostly focusing on the road in front of him.

"No." He said in a angry tone, he was pissed I knew it.

I sighed, looking out the window seeing the houses we were passing by til we went to a stop to the red stoplight.

"Annabelle, I'm sorry but I'm really angry about what happened earlier back in the house."He said, now gazing at me giving me a smile to cheer me up a bit and not make me worry about him.

"So your not gonna tell me about what happen earlier back in the house?" I asked, hoping he'll at least tell me.

"No, Annabelle don't bring this up again during this night okay, I just want you to be happy and just forget about the worryniess and just have fun okay." He stated without no hesitation, he now gazed at me showing his Harry side that was the serious face that always made my bone,scared, and I get sweaty on my palms which I really hate.

I nodded, "I will." 

I quickly changed the subject, "So where are we going exactly?" I asked.

"Just somewhere, around town." He said giving me a smile, that made my heart swell by the fact. I hate this boy so much well not literally, I hate him because he always smile making my heart pound ten times faster and making my just swell.  Sorry that its cheesy but that's the truth.

{~Harry POV~}

"Harry that restaurant is great I never knew it was that great." Annabelle said as I was paying the check for our meal at T.G.I. Fridays my favorite restaurant.

"Well now you know, I remember before you didn't like T.G.I. Fridays because you never liked this place for no reason even though you haven't taste their food." I said giving proving my point, back then Annabelle never liked this place for nonetheless reason.

"Ya your right, you wanna know something?" She said, as I got my credit card back from the waiteress and walked out of the door through the parking lot to our car.

"What?" I asked as I opened my passenger seat climbing in putting the key in the ignition to start it up, as Annabelle closed the door behide her as she sat on the passenger seat buckling her self remember- safety first.

"Maybe from now this day that I should try new things like eating new food, and going to new places." She said giving me a smile.

I smiled back, as we drove off on to the road.

"So you're saying that your gonna try new things because you just had a great meal at T.G.I. Fridays." I said teasing her.

"Exactly." She said teasing.

I then got a text message from Gemma.

Buy some Tide soap at K-Mart mom and dad are @ home n I told that u guys went out to eat, and mom told me to tell u to buy Tide soap.

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