Chapter 18

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Hope you like this chappie I updated and Happy St.Patricks Day Niall I love Ireland and Irish ppeople:) anyway enjoy this chapter and thank you xx ~

--1 month later--

-{Annabelle POV}-

Harry and I have been together for a month now and we kept our relationship a secret not telling the press nor anyone except for the boys.

Harry has been asking me if we should tell the press and the fans about us together again but I always rejected it by the fact saying no ans not giving Harry a explanation of why I didn't want too.

Why don't I want to tell the press about us together?

"Hey Ann wanna go to the mall today?"Liz asked flipping the next page of her book gazing at me waiting for a response.


Mall sounds like a good idea to me I need to buy some new clothes and maybe a dress it was almost a month but tomorrow is me and Harry's one month anniversary time past by fast.

I gave a pleaded smile,"Sure."

"Cool but first we gotta past by Starbucks I need some coffee right now can't believe we woke up early this morning because of what the boys did in our room."Liz groaned rubbing her template in circles closing her eyes feelings kind of sleepy.

I chuckle by the fact,this morning about 6am the boys were in our room waking us up from our sleep by singing a morning song.

They sang-

'Get out get out of bed and fall into my arms instead!'

Th sang in a perfect harmony making both Liz and I jolt and scare the living nightmare out of us we angrily threw our pillows at them that time knowing how irritated we were of them by waking us up this early in the morning.

The boys usually don't wake up that time they mostly sleep through the morning, I curiously them that time of why were they awake and they said that they drank energy drinks so they can work on their songs that was due the next day.

No wonder they were so hyped up and hyper boys these days.

Oh well but that's what you get for living with 5 teenage boys in the same house.

"Did someone say mall?"A familiar voice asked coming into the living room.

It was Zayn of course who had a white towel in his hand ruffling his wet black hair.

I smiled,"Yeah we're going this afternoon wanna come with us?"I asked inviting him to come along with us.

"Sure I wanna buy some new clothes."He said when Niall came into the room sitting next to Liz on the couch wrapping his arms around hers giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

Liz and Niall are just adorable and perfect for each other.

"You guys going to the mall mind if I come along?"Niall asked resting his head on Liz shoulder.

"Were you eavesdropping?"Liz curiously asked pinching his red cheek making him flinch rubbing his right cheek when she let go.

"Maybe."He teased.

"Sure you can come along."Liz simply said closing her book putting it on the coffee table.

"So you can go to the food court and eat samples."Zayn said sitting beside me turning on the telly surfing through channels.

Niall rolled his eyes,"We're gonna go change."Liz and I said walking up the stairs to our room.

{~Harry POV~}

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