Chapter 19

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New update for my fans and comment below on what you think and vote love you guys loads xx :)

((Louis POV))

"You being the flirt and taking the person who I love!"I yelled at  Harry with adrenaline rushing through my vein by showing how much anger I had right now.

I had my fist clenched now and I lift it up high the same level as the curly head boy.Harry closed his eyes not wanting to see my fist to his face.I was fighting back the tears now knowing that I was actually gonna hurt my best friend.But this is more important because Annabelle was important to me than no other person. 

My fist was clenched now and I had a voice in the back of my head saying yes hit him and another one say no he's your best friend my mind was babbling now and I had no idea which side to choose it was like the devil Louis and angel Louis on either side of my shoulders.I couldn't take it anymore I slammed my fist on the side wall not touching a single prick on Harry.

I ran out of there grabbing my coat angrily from the coat rack and slamming the door shut behide me not caring if the windows shatter.

For some reason I don't give a fuck about anything right now I was not in the mood right now and don't have the guts to go back to that god for saken house with those two smooching in front of me being all lovey and dovey, shit the thought of it makes me wanna puke.

I angrily walked out the gates of the One Direction house and stepping onto the flat pavement ground of the sidewalk.It rained lightly, every step I took or so the rain started to pour down more heavier.

Great,now my mood mostly ruined my day by how the weather was right now by pouring down heavy rain on me.I shrugged my thick warm coat and decided to stay somewhere until the rain stops.I looked and saw a distant away from me, a small coffee shop.

I finally reached the small coffee shop by opening the door,smelling the sweet scent of coffee my favorite.I ordered myself a cup of coffee, I sat in an empty table by myself not letting anyone disturb me.The coffee shop was kind of empty this afternoon for some reason,they're mostly middle aged men and women in various tables with a mac laptop in front of them typing whatever.

I didn't see any teenagers my age,maybe they have school or something in a University or college.I took a sip out of my sweet scented coffee looking out the window seeing how the rain poured every second harder.

Annabelle and Harry together again,to me Harry will dump her in the end with another girl because he's a flirt and flirty boys like him do that every time.I didn't want that happen to Annabelle at all because she'll get hurt in the end.

Annabelle is happy than ever before and if she's happy I should be happy too but I'm not because I care about her too much and love her with all my soul. I love Annabelle too much and I'll do anything for her like when she's heartbroken,hurt, I'll be with her when she needs me or anything else I'm always there I'll do anything just for her.

"Um..excuse me?"

I snapped my head facing a girl with beautiful oceanic eyes and long blonde hair her face was slightly bubbly but looked kind of cute.When did this beautiful get here I didn't see her in the coffee shop when I came in maybe she just walked in.

I let out a slight smile being friendly,"Hello there can I help you with anything?"I curiously asked.

"Oh it's just nothing I felt kind a bit concern because of how you were looking out the window with a frown across your face you looked pretty sad so I wanted to check."She said in a cute voice.

I laughed,"Oh I'm fine sorry for letting you worry about me."I said in a friendly tone.

"Oh okay I'm glad."She said spreading a smile across her face showing her pale cheekbones.

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