Chapter 20

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Hope you enjoy my last chappie I got the request from you followers who wanted update so this is for you guys :) 

{~Harry POV~}

Louis was back shit!

Should I talk to him?

I have to talk to him because I need to know what his feelings towards Annabelle.I slowly unwrapped my arms around Belle trying not to wake her up,I got off the bed closing the bedroom door slowly and quietly not making a single sound.

Walking down the narrow hallway I was anxious for some reason wanting to know what Annabelle was to him.When I saw him on couch next to the lads,I slowly walked down the steps my eyes locked on Louis.

I finally reached the bottom of the steps I walked up to Louis,"Can I talk to you for a minute."I said fixing my curly hair that was covering my eyes.

Louis looked at me spreading a smile like he usually do,he just did that because that was his signature mostly,if he has a frown then it means that his pissed or sad so he just made a smile not letting anyone in the room know that somethings up."Sure Haz."Lou got off the couch,I gave a glare to my eyes towards the kitchen.

Liam finally got up from the couch walking behide us to the kitchen.We all stood there with an awkward silence between us in the kitchen,I sat on the counter with Liam beside me leaning against the counter with his arms holding on the edge and Louis who was across from us leaning against the fridge with his arms crossed against his chest with a serious face.

Liam spoke breaking the silence,"Okay Lou tell us the truth?"Liam said in a serious tone.

"Truth about what?"Louis said smiling acting all innocent.

I was furious now by how my face was heating by how much anger I had right now,'Cut the bullshit Louis about how you have feelings for my girlfriend!"I yelled getting off the counter with my fist clenched and walking towards him.

Liam stopped me by restraining my waist and keeping me calm,"You want me to say it fine the truth is I'm in love with your girlfriend Annabelle for a long time now and when she left you that time I knew that she didn't deserve a guy like you,she only came back for you because your a flirt I bet she has no feelings for you-"Liam cut Louis off making me pissed,angry and want to punch him right in the fucking face of what he said.

"Enough!"Liam yelled,I pushed his arms away.

I didn't know what to say.I ran out of there to my room walking past sleepy Annabelle and into the balcony of my room taking deep breaths and thinking straight forward.

Is what Louis said true,does Annabelle come back for me because I'm a flirt?

She just likes me because I'm a flirt Belle likes me she dosen't love me.No that's not true Annabelle isn't like that she loves me right?Was it the truth of what Louis said about Belle?Am I really nothing but just a flirt?

((Louis POV))

Liam stopped Harry by restraining his body and keeping him calm,"You want me to say it fine the truth is I'm in love with your girlfriend Annabelle for a long time now and when she left you that time I knew that she didn't deserve a guy like you,she only came back for you because your a flirt I bet she has no feelings for you-"Liam cut me off leaving me with total pity.

"Enough!"Liam yelled,Harry angrily pushed his arms away.

Harry was pissed and didn't know what to say,he left the kitchen and went to wherever in the house.I told my true feelings and told Harry everything about how I felt about Annabelle,Liam stood there with a angry face.

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