Chapter 22

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-Scarlett POV-

"Louis are you okay?"I curiously asked putting my hands into my warm jacket feeling a bit cold because it was a bit chilly out here at the lake.

After Louis and I walked out of the coffee shop he has been staring off space and kicking pebbles while we walked down the gravel pathway around the lake.

An idea popped out of my head and I slapped my hand on his arm with a loud whack echoing in the background,"Oww the heck was that for Scarlett!"Louis squealed rubbing his shoulder from the punch.

"To make you snap out of it of course."I protested.

"Well you should of just snapped your fingers in front of my face at least.That whack of s hurt as hell"Louis said.

I didn't say anything about that,"Back to the topic you've been looking out through space for quite a while  since we left the coffee shop what's wrong?"I asked filled with curiosity.

"Well I' have a couple things I'm thinking about right now."He said.

"What is it?"I asked pulling the strap of my purse to my shoulder by how it shrugged off.

"Well first I've been thinking about Zayn's birthday party wondering if the lads and I should make a surprise party or just party at a club."Louis said giving me a pleaded smile.

"And second."He continued,"I've been thinking what we really were right now."Louis said making us stop our track by how he locked his eyes onto mine.

"Aren't we like friends?"I raised an eyebrow wondering where he's getting at.

Louis rubbed his back neck,"Well Scarlett ever since you came through that coffee shop that day I've been going through a hell of a day that time and you let a sunshine come out making me smile and  more chatty I sort of have feelings for you Scarlett and I've been thinking of you more that just a friend more of a girlfriend if you know what I mean."Louis chuckled to himself with his cheeks turning red.

That's when my stomach dropped I made a gulp,"W-what?"I stuttered.

"Scarlett I think I love you."Louis said making me say those last three words over and over in my head.

I love you.

"Err..Louis I think I feel the same for you too."I lied plasting a smile across my face.

"Will you be my girlfriend Scarlett."Louis said giving me a bear hug as I rested my chin on his shoulder.

"I would love to."I said choking on the last words.

My heart-ached when I said that,Louis was such a nice and sweet guy.I can't believe I'm doing this to him even though he loves me.But I don't like him in that kind of way I just like him as a friend mostly,ever since I saw Louis at that coffee shop I've been showing the nice,girlie side of me.But in real life I'm a mean and vicious person,I have been obsessed with One Direction for a long time.Mostly this whole time I just used Louis Tomlinson so I can get close to that one person who I love more than anything else that is Niall.

{~Harry POV~}

 The door slam leaving making the room shake.

I just stood there not knowing what the fuck to do!I rubbed my head for a second and walked out of the room sometimes its hard talking to Annabelle about these stuff and I get real frustrated by her but I always cool off.

I knocked twice on the door.

"Come in."She said.

I took a deep breath opening the door coming in smoothly seeing her on the bed looking at me with a sad look.

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