Chapter 35

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- Annabelle POV -

Thoughout the car ride, we remained silent except for the music tuning on the radio. Although, a few minutes later Harry told idiotic jokes that made no sense at all.

Harry is such a lame ass jokester sometimes and I just laugh along not wanting to hurt curly's feelings. I presume that the boys feel the same way as well; just laughing along at his silly jokes.

He's a genuine and outgoing guy. Speaking the truth about his lame ass jokes is like getting slapped on the face with a book.

Pity still aches in my chest whenever a smile appears on his face. Reminisce flash through me of Harry standing by the cliff devastated from my rejection. I never gave a radical explanation about my sudden disappearance from him and he needs to hear it, not now.

The car came to a halt not really paying attention at our arrival. Harry came around the car opening the door for me, intertwine our hands walking towards the front doors of the restaurant.

"Reservation for Styles." Harry smile assuring the host. Their were old couples and young couples (our age) waiting patiently in line. I felt bad for the people waiting because our host led us to our table before anyone else. Harry is famous after all.

The restaurant a tad fancy, the marbled floor, crystal chandelier above the ceiling, and how everyone in the room dress so formally.

Our host placed us in the corner of the restaurant near the window which is a relief because I didn't wanna be the main attention if we sat in the middle of the restaurant.

"Harry are you sure you can afford this?" I whisper scanning through the menu.

"Of course. I'm rich. It's all on me tonight don't worry babe." He chuckle.

"Babe really?" I bit the inside of my cheek trying not to stifle a laugh over the ridiculous name.

"Hello there. I will be your waitress. What would you folks like to drink this evening?" A male waitress dressed in uniform. He glared at me very intimidating receiving a uncomfortable feeling.

"Hey eyes on me we'll get a red wine please." Harry clench his jaw.

The waitress nodded in approval scurrying away. I reached over the table soothing his palm in order to tranquil himself. Having a fight over a waitress wouldn't resolve our night.

He pulled his hand away from my touch. "Management called. They said that our tour for 'Take Me Home' is next month."

Did he really have to push my buttons? I gulped. The boys are going on a tour including Harry. I knew that this was coming. I always had a bad feeling about this in the back of my head.

"Yeah. It was very unexpected especially the lads. We just made our second album and suddenly management gave us a call for our tour."

Yeah, very surprising. What a shock. Why couldn't the boys go on tour in a couple months. I don't wanna jeopardize their career, I just wanna spend more time with them.

I'm glad the waitress return back with our red wine and two glasses. I quickly poured the wine in my glass before replying back to Harry's statement.

The smell wasn't intoxicated like the beers at parties. Instead, it smelled sweet. I never drank alcohol in my eighteen years until now. Drinking always helps consume stress, guilt, and drastic situations. Drowning down the whole glass burn my throat .

"I thought you don't drink?" He asked snatching the bottle out of my hand.

"Well now I have a reason."

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