Chapter 21

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Hope you guys like this chappie and please read my new book of Zayn Malik called 'Invincible.'It would mean a lot to me if you guys check it out I'll post the link on the bottom of the page so you can check it out okay thanks xx

-{Annabelle POV}-

Liz and I were still at the mall shopping for some clothes for Zayn and other clothes that Liz wanted to buy.Right now Liz was buying a 'Adele 21' album at the store where I bought my One Direction and Justin Bieber album the other day.

I was just by the side waiting for Liz to pay for her album until I noticed the flat screen tv above the cashier showing the boys who were at the interview right now talking with the press.I crossed my arms watching Harry's action and how he reacted from one of the press asking him a question.

"Harry are the rumors true between you and your ex-girlfriend Annabelle Simpson?"A press asked making Harry gulp.

Oh no they're rumors about me and Harry.

"What rumors?"Harry asked in his deep husky voice with his hand gripped on the microphone firmly.

"About you guys together,like when you two went to Cheshire during Christmas and when you guys were at the Big Ben on New Year's eve."The press replied back,making me shiver by the fact.

Are you kidding me! How does the press know all these stuff about us when we went to Cheshire on Christmas and when I was with Harry on New Year's Eve at the Big Ben Tower at the stroke of midnight where we shared that kiss.These press are just complete stalkers!

Harry was speechless not saying anything just staring at the crowd of presses who were flashing cameras at him and the lads,everyone was waiting for an answer especially the boys by how they had weird faces on Harry.Harry please don't tell them about our secret relationship,please I'm begging you I said to myself biting my lower lip.

I didn't want the press or anyone else know about our relationship except for Liz and the boys and the management of course.They're many reasons why I don't want him to tell the press because I'll have those hatred on me from the fans by how Harry is dating his ex-girlfriend again and how I broke his heart back then.I'm not even ready to tell the world that I'm dating Harry Styles the international pop-star again.

"Yes the rumors are true Annabelle Simpson and I are officially dating."Harry said through the microphone leaving everyone with gasps,utter shock for a few seconds until more people raised their hand for more questions.

I didn't know what to say I was completely speechless that curly haired boy told the whole world our little relationship together my cheeks were burning with anger rushing through my veins and my ears were hot and it felt like smoke was coming out of my ears.

"Thank you."Liz said thanking the cashier walking towards me,I hustled out of there with Liz catching up behide me.

"Hey Annabelle what's wrong you seem kind of down did something happen?"Liz asked waiting for a response.

"Well yeah Harry just told the whole world I was officially dating him!"I protested speed walking.

"Wow that's great but why are you angry about it though aren't you happy did you agree with Harry telling the press?"Liz asked.

Liz is such a goof friend she's so straight forward and genuine and whenever it comes to this kind of ups and down situation she's always there to pick up the pieces by sorting out the problem.

"Well first I'm not happy and second Harry and I agreed not to tell the press nor the fans about our 'secret relationship.'I said putting the quotes when I said secret relationship.

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