Chapter 25

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Hope you like this chappie everyone sorry I haven't updated for days and lots who've complained for the next chappie this is for you enjoy as always love you lots xx

-{Annabelle POV}-


It was a complete disaster this whole night for everyone except for Zayn who seemed rather comfy,quiet,and happy sitting on the couch with the rest of the lads in the living room chilling in front of the television seeing what was on.I can't believe this whole incidence happened at Zayn's birthday,in the club with everyone drunk and wasted at the same time.

Speaking of drunk I saw my boyfriend looking a bit droopy,"Harry I'll take you to your room."I said holding out my hand he gave a slight nod and we started walking up the stairs.Harry started to walk wobbly and almost fell.

I caught him in my arms knowing how heavy he was,damn what does this guy eat.

I wrapped my arm around his waist putting his arm around my neck as we strolled through the corridor to his room.

"Belle why are we here?"Harry asked as I flopped his butt on the bed.

"You were a bit droopy downstairs with the lads so you might be sleepy and second your drunk."I protested as he plastered a cute smile across his adorable drunk face.

"Belle I'm not drunk."

"Oh really what time is it?"I asked.

Harry thought for a second,"9:30."He rubbed his curly hair of his.

I laughed,"Wrong answer,9:30 is when we left the house right now it's 12:30 your drunk so go to sleep or you'll feel worst in the morning."I stuttered.

"What?"He asked taking off his shoes.


Harry took off his shirt revealing his abs making me drop my mouth by how his skin tone was,my god I never expected this,did Harry work out more or something?

"Like what you are seeing."He giggled looking down at his abs making me blush red like a tomato.

"GO TO SLEEP OR ELSE!!"I angrily said when Harry widen his green eyes climbing into his bed taking off his pants and boxers throwing it on the floor.

I gawk,"Harry what're you doing?"I gulped.


"No your not you just took your clothes off."I pointed out.

"I'm naked when I sleep remember."Harry said making a duh expression.

"Since when?"I crossed my arms.

"Ever since the X-Factor days its my habit don't you remember Belle?"

"Oh yeah sorry I forgot."I muttered to myself.

"Kay night Haz."I said going out the door.

"Love you Belle."Harry said back making me smile as I head out of the room heading downstairs with the lads.

"Niall did Liz come back yet?"I asked getting a crisp out of his bag that he was holding.

"No not yet I'm getting kind of worried about Liz because it's scary out there at this time of night."Niall said in a worried tone making me sympathetic patting his shoulder.

"Don't worry Niall she'll be back soon I know it."I honestly said,I just know it.


*{Elizabeth POV}*

It was dark and scary at this time of night,I should of went home with the others but I didn't want to face Niall and fuss about the drama his been going through at that god for saken club.

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