Chapter 26

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Thank you guys so much I've got 6,700 or more reads on this book and it means a lot to me so thank you so much I just wanted to say keep up the reads,votes,and comments it would mean a lot if you guys reached it up to 10,000 or more that would be amaZayn that's my goal here on Wattpad to get more reads on one of my books xx

--->Previously on my last chapter lots of you guys commented for an update and I've been quite busy lately with school work so yeah here is a chappie for you guys who wanted an update for chapter 26 so this is for you enjoy xx

-{Annabelle POV}-

"What the fuck!?"I yelled with utter shock looking at the boys especially Harry.

"Zayn why do I have to kiss Louis I have a boyfriend you know."I said pulling a strand of hair behide my ear proving my point.I examined Zayn and he looked pretty dipsy by how he took a sip out of his beer and fixing his quiff hair.

"Anna it's just a dare just kiss Louis and that's it."Zayn said.

I eyed Harry for a second seeing how down he was about this dare.I moved toward Harry and whispered,"Don't worry Harry it's just a dare."

He nodded in approval.

((Louis POV))

I had to play along with Annabelle playing truth or dare because I didn't wanna worry her by how I got dumped by Scarlett who was a cold heart bitch playing with my heart just to get to my mate Nialler who right now is looking for Liz this middle of the night.

Scarlett mostly gave me a heart attack when she told Niall her feelings and kissing him.I could go on and on about Scarlett being a bitch,but really I should just forget about it.She's gone,out of my life,and wasted my time for all I care.

Right now I felt a bit shocked,mad,and wanted to kill pretty boy over here who just gave Bells a dare to freaking kiss me on the lips.

Wait..Does Zayn know I use to like Annabelle before?

Did someone tell him?

Of course not only Harry and Liam know that I liked Annabelle nobody else.Maybe it's because Zayn is drunk right now and he couldn't think straight,he's just saying random stuff maybe.

After Annabelle whispered to Harry she crawled from the other side of the room to me,she criss-crossed in front of me.

"Louis it's just a dare nothing else okay."Annabelle said making it clear.

I nodded,"Of course it is just one simple kiss nothing else."

I had butterflies in my stomach right now by how Bells was leaning closer to me with her beautiful eyes making me hypnotize and still.She pressed her cool warm lips onto mine,Bells was gonna push away from the kiss but I deepened the kiss by kissing her back.

For some reason the huge hole that was punched through my chest just vanished like poof it disappeared out of thin air.Right now I felt my heart pounding ten times faster,a pool of sweat forming on my forehead,and love.

Our little kiss got interrupted when the door swung open with Niall and Liz coming through the front door.


*Niall POV*


She was the only thing in my mind right now.I was walking on the sidewalk with a snap back on,shades,and my style of clothing I usually wear that was a plain white shirt,khakis,and Supras.I saw the Big Ben Tower that was a block away.I started pacing a bit looking for a figure at least standing near the gate of the Big Ben.

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