Affection || H.S.

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Romeo and Juliet?

Is Romeo and Juliet a fantasy of romance or reality that happens in real life like me Annabelle Bells Simpson a normal girl with an unforgettable past that I would never forget and never wanna remember from that day.

I didn't know what to say nor what to do because of my parents, they wouldn't accept it at all, so all I do is just run away from the boy I truly,deeply,madly love who was my Romeo since I was a little kid. But it's nothing now, that was just the past.

Past is the past right? Having the past come back is like haunting you.

I can't believe I bumped into Harry Styles my long lost best friend here in this small country in Italy during my vacation, well ya we might bump into each other in the future but I left London and everything.

Past is the past just forget about it and just keep moving foward.

Always move foward,right? But what if it's about loving someone?

I, Annabelle Bells Simpson have a story for you about my long lost Romeo.

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