Chapter 16

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Thank you guys for the last comments in my last chapter hope you guys like this chappie thank you xx

~~Niall POV~~

When I touched Liz hand it made my whole body shiver and made my heart pound faster than ever before our skin touched as we walked down London on this cold night.

I wasn't gonna let go of Liz hand, "Niall James Horan where in the world are we going?"Liz angrily said sounding a little grumpy and irritated by the fact of where are date was.

I curiously asked,"How do you know my middle name are you a fan,directioner?"I curiously asked waiting for a response back.

"Nope,I do my research."She simply said in a cool tone.

I finally saw the hotel where our date was. Its gonna be an amazing date,it was gonna be at the rooftop of the hotel with a small table that had a beautiful view of London,I know that Liz is gonna love it.

It's gonna be perfect.

I whispered to her ear,"We're almost there."

As we lead through the doors of the hotel,we were walking down the empty lobby with some guests at the counter good thing they're isn't any paparazzi or kids cause it'll be a rampage.

We got through the elevator,I pressed the 54 button that was the highest floor in the hotel.The velocity of the elevator lifted us up,while I had my hands still firmly gripped with Liz hand not letting her go and she was still completely blind folded.

"Niall we're on a elevator right?"She curiously asked.

"Yup we are."I simply said.

"Have you told any of the boys about us?"She asked with a quizzical face.

I thought for a second,"The boys know already it's obvious anyway why do you ask?"

"Oh nothing."She smiled shaking her head.

The elevator finally reached its destination as I slowly lead the way as we found the staircase to the rooftop.

"Watch your step."I said.

As we slowly walked up the stairs,step by step not letting Liz fall I opened the door when the London air blew through our faces.

I went behide Liz and took off the blind-fold slowly when she covered her mouth covering it with her hands with an awe expression.Her beautiful blue oceanic eyes widened making her face kind of cute.

I let out a low chuckle by her expression.

*(Elizabeth POV}*

My mouth dropped when I saw the small white table for two with two candles on the table with the light brigh fire on the wax candle.The plates and forks were neatly in place,the view was absolutely stunning with the Big Ben Tower,buildings the the dark blue sky with thousand of lights hovering above making this moment perfect.

Niall went to the table getting a stem rose that was on the chair which I haven't notice.He came back handing it to me as warm tears started swelling up in my eyes making my eyes blurry.

"Why are you crying love?"Niall asked curiously with a frown across his face looking kind of hurt.

"Because I've always dreamed of having a date like this,lots of guys I dated just use me and just dumps me in the end."I said choking on the words,I was so sad right now and was kind of ruining the moment for Niall from what I can tell.

Niall cupped my face wiping my tears with his thumb as I gazed into his blue-greenish eyes.

"Liz I will never be one of those assholes who dumped you because of your body,I'll never hurt you.Liz I love you because of your laugh personality mostly everything."Niall smiled making me blush.

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