Chapter 29

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I graduated and I feel so happy about it I'm already a high schooler yes!!!Besides that its summer right now and I'm gonna be working on this book a lot and posting new books maybe!I'm gonna miss all my friends over the summer so much they are the best love them all xx Hope you guys like this chappie sorry haven't been updating a lot but now I can because its summer yay!!! xx

[Zayn POV]

"Vas happening Zayn!"Annabelle said with a playful smile across her face making me roll my eyes.

"That's my line."I groaned as I stepped into the household with the smell of blueberry through the house.

"You hungry?"Bells asked closing the door behide me.

A low growl came through my stomach making me groan by the fact.

"I think that's a yes."She giggled.

"I made blueberry muffin while you guys were gone I hope you don't mind I thought that since you guys are tired from all that singing in the studio I thought of making you muffins as a treat."Annabelle smiled as I followed her to the kitchen where the lads are sitting on the kitchen table with scattered papers and pens everywhere and crumpled paper on the floor,what a mess.

"Hey Zayn where have you been?The lads and I were looking for you at the market but you weren't there we didn't wanna leave you behide but Harry here was a bit anxious to go home and grumpy that time."Niall explained taking a bite out of his muffin after he finished his sentence.

So it was Harry who left me.Oh he is so dead to me when he goes to sleep just he watch.

"Annabelle this blueberry muffin is delicious how'd you know how to cook this well?"Niall asked taking another muffin out of the plate in the middle of the table.

"Well lets just say I did cooking during high school in Cheshire and was a pro and was number one ."Annabelle said smugly.

"Wait I thought it was Harry who was number one."Niall curiously asked.

"I still am number one until now no one can defeat the one and only Harry Styles when it comes to cooking and especially bakery."Harry angrily said putting a smirk across his face.

"Oh really when we were in cooking class together when I told you to watch the cake that was in the oven you were asleep when you didn't know that the cake got burned and the oven got on fire because of you."Annabelle angrily said bringing back their past memories.

"Well it wasn't my fault you kept on texting me that night asking me what the homework was for geometry!"Harry yelled back.

"Well I forgot to write down the homework!"Annabelle shrieked back.

"Can you guys stop fighting about who's better than who lets get back to our songs."Liam protested being really irritated and annoyed by the fact

To be honest it was pretty funny watching those two fight like a married couple even though they aren't.

"Zayn where were you this whole time anyway?"Liam asked turning his head around facing me with a raised brow

I leaned on the counter not knowing what to say.

Should I tell the lads about seeing Arielle who was at the club during my birthday?

Or just tell it some other time?

I took a deep breath,"I was at the coffee shop getting a cup of coffee and the line was long so I had to wait."I said hoping they'll believe my excuse.

"Oh okay anyway we have some news.Tomorrow Ed Sheeran is gonna come in the morning and gonna hand us his new song to us and we're gonna perform at the London Olympics this year in the opening ceremony."Liam explained making me nod by the fact.

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