Chapter Fourty-two

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Delun smiled as he read the letter from Ming. The fire crackled in the center of the group of men. He was happy and scared at once. He kept reading it over and over agian. "I am going to be a father." He whispered. Off in the distance a wolf howled and the wind was cold, but he didn't care one bit.

"I want to go home." Chao whined. The war seemed to be slowing down and after four long months. "Delun, who much longer till we get home. My feet are killing me."

"Chao," he had to tell him. "I am going to be a father." Delun was beaming. The warrior's gave a weak cheer, they were tired. All of them were.

"Wow, Delun. Congratulation's." Chao smiled. "Did she send you a letter finally?"

"No." Delun's smile fell and he rubbed his thumb over the words Ai is with child. Ai never sent him letters, he sent her many. Every time he had the chance, he sent her many. He missed her, so much. He felt like an ass saying mean thing to her, he couldn't keep his anger down. Octavia, when he decide to set her free, had found a way to kill herself. He was angry and tried that he lashed out on her. "I believe she still hates me." Delun ran his hand through his hair.

"Oh no, what did you do this time?"

"I didn't do anything." Delun snapped. "She is being unreasonable. I said something before I left. Something I shouldn't have, I didn't get to say goodbye to her."

"Has she ever written you back?" Chao asked. Delun shook his head. "To bad, Xui writes me all the time."

"Ai os stubborn." Delun mumbled. "Hopefully my love will come around when my child comes."

"What do you hope it is?" A man with short hair next to Delun asked. One that Delun couldn't remember his name.

"I prefer an heir. But as long as they are alive. I don't care what they are." Delun folded the paper and stood stretching. His bones moaned and popped. "Alright men, we should be home in two days time. We move out in the morning." The men groaned. They wanted to go home all of them did.

Delun ran down the halls, he had gotten home earlier then what he thought. He search everywhere for her. Outside it was snowing and the palace held a chill. He found her in the small room with Ming, she was covered with blankets and was watching Ming sketch. They laughed at something that had been said.

"Ai!" He sprinted and embraced her. "Oh, I have missed you terribly." Ming looked away.

"Let me go you stink." He let her go, pushing her back some. Looking at her. She was sollen and had a soft glow. She was even more beautiful then normal.

"You so beautiful, Ai." She sat down.

"Ai, do you need anything?" Ming asked her. "Delun, you have to be careful. Ai has been in serious pain."

Ai didn't look at Delun. He kneeled and pressed his ear against her stomach. "I love you." Delun whispered when he heard a faint heart beat. He leaned up and kissed her on the cheek. "I love you too, Ai." She scrunched her nose. "Ai, my love, are you well?"

"Delun, alow me to answer for her. You smell terrible, go bath." Ming stood up.

"Fine." Delun kissed her stomach where he had heard the heart beat. Then stood placing another kiss on her forehead. "I will be back." Delun touched her stomach and ran his hand through his hair.

Ming had a look of envy towards Ai, but he only took her hand and gave it a squeezed as Delun walked away with a limp. But Ai didn't notice but Ming did.

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