Chapter Nine

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Delun paced back in fourth. Chao sat on his knees watching him. "Delun." Chao called out to him. Delun sent him glares, which Chao just shook off. Not bothered by Delun's anger issues. "Of something weighs on your mind say it."

Delun laughed. It was more than one thing that weighed on his mind. It was Ai, the reason Han had returned, the marriage, the Roman Empire, the rebellions in the lower east which Delun was sure that Han had something to do with it. "Nothing weighs on my mind." Chao raised an eyebrow.

"You are the worst lier in all of the world. The gods frown upon your failure at lying properly." Delun sent him a glare already annoyed, he couldn't remember why he allowed Chao into his personal chamber's.

"Your right." Delun say across from him. Ignoring the I told you look that Chao was giving him. "It is Ai, and the marriage."

"Why is it that now you decided to marry?" Chao asked. Delun only side.

"Simple. Why do the bird's fly in the easy? Why do warrior's fight? Why do we have beating heart's that beats the loudest when someone walks in the room?" He shook his head. "I do not know why I agreed to marry Zhangs youngest daughter. Perhaps, it was a reason only the gods know."

"Do you love her?" Chao was intrigued in the conversation.

Delun laughed. "Don't be foolish, of course not. She is merely a women, she is of no importance." That was another lie, Ai had alot of importance to him. He enjoyed her company even though he knew it was one sided. He would do anything to see that smile of hers.

Chao didn't believe him. "Delun, you do love her. Your just to filled with pride to say it." Delun layed back, throwing his arms over his eyes. "I was the same way when I married Xui. I know you to well. There something else that is bothering you."

What if he loved Ai? He already knew she did not love him back. In fact he was positive that Ai was scared of him. But yet at the same time for a noble women, Ai showed a small amount of bravery. It was small, but it was there. He was not angry by the fact he lost a bet with Ai's father and became engaged to her. At first he was not fond of the idea. But he then meet her and became intrigued. "One word. Merely a name."

"Yes?" Chao asked slowly.

"Han." A chill seemed to go through the room. Delun say up, Chao was frowning. He knew why, Han betrayed them both and now he was back. But the question was why.

Ai sat in the hot water. She closed her eyes. She was still upset about what happened during the afternoon. She was confused on why Delun would try to kill someone who claimed they were friends.

She sat in the water trying to wash that memory away. She refused to remember it. But it couldn't be helped. It was stuck of her mind as if it was burned there. Ai splashed warm water on her face. She wanted to go home. "I wonder what mother was doing." Ai said to herself. She thought she would have seen her father by now. But she hasn't. She prayed that nothing bad has come upon them.

"My lady, are you ready to come out yet?" A voice, the voice of one of the maids asked through the steam. She wished they would tell her their names. She would to become friends with them. But the never did. The scolded her every time she had asked. They scolded her more than what her mother had. She missed her mother, more than what she thought she ever would.

"Yes. Just a moment." She got out of the water becoming a little chilled. She had to forgive Delun, she knew that. She just couldn't get over of he would do that to a claimed friend. What would he do to his wife? She shuddered and smacked her cheeks. She refused to think that way, she needed to be positive for her parents. And for the honour of her family. She wrapped a silk robe around her tiny body and went towards were her maids stood. She didn't even get privacy here. She wished for one time she could have alone time. She wish it was like at home, easy for her to escape. To go someplace alone at the family home. It was not like that here. Everywhere she turned there was someone. She didn't like it. She didn't understand how anyone could enjoy life with someone everywhere they turned.

It didn't seen right. "You seemed to be in there longer today. Is something wrong?" A maid asked sounding worried.

False worry. Ai told herself. The didn't really care about Ai or what was bothering her. "I was just thinking." Ai smiled politely. They smiled back at her and questioned no more to Ai. In a way it made Ai lonely even though she had four other girls around her. She was still lonely and she still wanted to go home.

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