Chapter Sixteen : "Reunited"

Start from the beginning

Hal's P.O.V

 I was pacing back and forth in my room , trying to figure out a way to go to my brother. "Hal, maybe they're right. We should just wait for Murich" Maggie said while sitting at the bed , fixing her gun.

 "Mags ... Ben might be dying out there and what are we doing? Nothing. He needs us, I know it" I told her and she just sighed.

 "So may I ask you a question about something else" she then said.

 "What is it?"

 "Where's the Volm Machine?" she asked and then pointed at the bottom of the table , the machine is missing. I took off the cover and it's not there , someone must have came in here and took it.

 "You didn't give it to Karen did you?" Maggie asked.

 "No ... the last time I saw Karen was when she was here. Since then , I haven't felt her trying to connect to me" I said and then looked at her.

 "Then who took it?"

 "I don't know" I said , my heart is beating really fast. If I'm not the other mole , then who is it? . But the bottom line is , someone besides us knows the machine is in here. We can get in trouble anytime soon.


 It's almost night time , Nick and the other kids went to their daily patrol this afternoon and haven't returned since. Me & Deni are left in the hospital with nothing but a lamp.

 "How are you feeling?" she asked.

 "Better" I replied. The Skitter doctor helped a lot , my wound has stopped bleeding and almost lost all of the pain.

 "I'm sorry I didn't came after you" she said and then held my hands.

 "It's okay. I'm the one who's supposed to be sorry , I wasn't able to protect you" I said and then smiled at her.

 "You're already protecting me just by being alive" she said and then held my hand tighter. I felt my heart flatter with what she said , she really makes me happy. I smiled at her and she smiled back , the only thing missing is those 3 words that I've been dying to say for weeks now.

 "Hey" Nick's back with the others , we quickly let go of each other's hands and pretended nothing happened. "So how are you?" he asked.

 "I'm good. I tried to walk and I was able to , I'm just getting dizzy every now and then"

 "How's your spikes?" Megan asked.

 "I don't know .. still chipped I guess but I definitely feel better" I said and then smiled at them. "So what happened to the patrol? Deni asked.

 "We looked 50 miles south , no signs of aliens. Maybe something's up with thm , I don't know" Nick said.

 "No aliens at all?" I asked

 "None. Not even a single one. But this doesn't mean that we should be happy and celebrate. They did this before, they might be preparing for a major attack. And we're also informed that Murich is coming here to check on you" he then said and looked at me.

 Maybe he felt that something happened to me along the way , and I'm very sure that he already informed Dad and the others about it.


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