A small smile made its way onto my face at the pleasent feeling of having someone actually care about me. Atleast I hoped he did in some way.

Then tears started to flow some more. Unimaginable fear of being left alone, with no one my age that would understand the way he did. I didn't know what it was, but something told me Ace didn't judge or pity me. Making it easier to trust and confide in him, yet the feeling was most likely not mutual at all.

Every effort was put into my good arm to leave the freezing cold floor. Another raspy sob teared its way through me at the excrutiating pain. My ribs were probably battered to the point of almost being broken. Droplets fell from my bottom lashes after trying incredously hard not to cry for what felt like the fiftieth time that day since getting back.

I tried my best to hold on to the counter in an attempt to get up. Finally after what seemed to be hours, I successfully had both feet on the floor. Each leg was wobbly, but not as injured.

Tightly, I held my weight up as the whimpers quieted some. If I was going to find a way to not let the abuse get to me, the constant show of weakness had to stop.

Lydia had gotten pure satisfaction from my suffering, hopefully the next time she tried this it would be different.

Throbbing shot up through every bone she hit and I winced; holding in more tears.

Ryan was going to come over that day, and I had a feeling he would notice without even trying to. Closing my eyes trying to imagine anywhere but here, momma showed up.

Moisture built up once again, "I need to stop," I rasped out not recognizing my own voice.

Each eye shot open at that. "Oh God," it appeared my voice was barely audible and nearly completely lost.

I let go of the counter and crashed on the couch before plummeting to the ground once again. Despite every step being a challenge, it was able to be done.

Our semi soft couch met my face, fabric smelling like the horrible scent of alchol thanks to Lydia. Tears fell, only I didn't try to stop them.

I didn't understand why she hated me so much. Or spent anytime with Ryan. The four year old made my heart melt everytime I saw him. Which had me confused at how the boy's own mother saw it fit to only have him over for a child support check.

Lydia reminded me of an emotionless female version of satan. She made sure Ryan's father paid alimony and child support when he should've been the one to have full custody in the first place.

There was nothing I could do but babysit and coach him to tell his father he had a great time with his mother, when in all actuality she never found the time to care about Ryan or anything.

When my eyes finally closed, raven ones appeared. Holding so much mystery, unreadable emotions, comfort, fear, and desire?

It was kind of hard to imagine someone like Ace saw something so intimate with me. Although my inexperience probably ruined it, because in all honesty there wasn't much I knew about the birds and the bees.

Doubt crept in. Did he see what Lydia saw in me? A worthless piece of grabage?

No. Ace hated the woman's pure existance, which he had made no effort to hide. That gave me enough comfort and security in a sense.

"Just know the feeling is very, very mutual."

Ace's words played back to the time he saw me after Lydia had another outrage about Myers and used me as a punching bag then said to go check the mail. How convienent.

A part of me didn't understand if Ace's statement hand an underlying double meaning to it. Kind've a bad time to think about it given what just happened, but I needed something or rather someone to think about through this nightmare.

He had a lot of guilt and fury written on his face when I looked at him before Lydia dragged me away.

Next thing I know, drowsiness washed over me like a tsunami. Finding myself melting into a deep sleep at Ace's velvety, smooth, husky voice easily lulling me into a lullaby with the generous words he shared just last night.

"What ever happens Willow, no matter what she drills in your head, you are more than this abuse."

I tried desperately to believe that.

Hey Peeps,
Well that was Willow's POV. I felt it'd be more appropriate to include this to shed a little more light on her situation. :,( I apologize if this triggered anyone, I didn't want the main focus to be on Willow's abuse—just her scenario.



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